
Difficulty Range:
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  • 5
  • 10
  • 25
  • All
  • Faction:Unaffiliated


    This quest can only be completed on a specific date!


    • Pass any chart rated 13 or higher with a minimum of 85%
    • Must be completed on 2024-09-16
    • Must be submitted via QR code or through GrooveStats Launcher/ITGmania auto-submission


    • 224 EXP
    Daily Quest
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    This quest can only be completed on a specific date!


    • Pass a non-tech chart with an adjusted BPM of 320 or higher (rate mods okay)
    • Must be completed on 2024-09-16
    • Must be submitted via QR code or through GrooveStats Launcher/ITGmania auto-submission


    • 37018 EXP
    • 209885 JP
    • 15 FE Accolades
    Daily Quest


    To provide some aid and incentive for aspiring staminadventurers, the three factions have collectively decided to issue basic equipment to anyone who reaches experience level 2.


    • Reach Life Level 2


    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    flip zkldi DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero Some Rescores NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk DdRDan nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr Hewhoamareismyself CJPetey TheManwich Zankoku Rarily Janus5k Dispolca atomcat SirDelins IcyCold Sapphron No Rescores Urza titandude21 kelly_kato Borisaur Fietsemaker peaceduke airplane CERiNG Akroma Exschwasion obesity102 turn up UVCat dlim patj JaceITG Synthromancy MINGW64 Chabala erictran0 gatodeplastico Chance R. mkwiiallpro Valex aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG DTF.cmmf Beremy Max Forever Zarzob Litter* Sal! Amoo Telperion Perusal JOKR Paige RootReducer Dingoshi BigYama JJK sangyule EmanSaur Poncho10017:) jeshusha1 NERO COME PALOMITAS PE MediocreOmen Doughbun Kyy Rawinput Keekee MacPatata Pocho Fanatik25 killuastep mattm valgrind Nebel Zylos DarthkiraMX Cozy hk HOT TO GO! Kigha LFK kenji- Xynn dancingmaractus Highflyer lolipo Hubert djfipu Toraie Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy callmisoko Mc_Joe DogsPlan help artimst BagMan65 wrsw Berserker Geff midtown N64 mang Donovan Bran LunaMail StefXFN hollow iGoCollege ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft PaaT aye byron dom no bar PinkDad Tristan97 Adamskull catnip Griever Yani SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol J13Rstyle Caji123 EX Pad Miss Steve_V Evertree Blondazz Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Zepherino Formless Kommisar Ambisinister Foulu458 lucdar Just A Space Cowboy dimo Yeyeito Nao Hikari Rudeshadow Peli abbeycat Lazorcat feedbacker ZarinahBBM ontonieneosas Biala emowo Yokamaa hugh_jass CEXX LeBlusz rynker Donza _CONTROL SANDRIXS Atti eigo wakaranai AgentAttorney Hunter Mau trescal xancara No Key Scores typobox !ElCaMiX! som1sezhi NicholasNRG MoistBruh M.G Alextrebek undrscore Narwhal Prime arol Sereni nvanleerdrums wolfxalienware NekoMithos Kyle Wards Lawyer Ralph Caffery xiaowuc1 luna2108 DarkShibara Shoe RPG Squeens Silver Fox bex spbsuitmo SanHelbert Ricky ForkySpoon Eleftheria Jh0nh3v3rth arx Konegaru ddrneel pizzaconpinia Viper gomusou PerfectTaste ZoG- kfiri Axor Coppa t3a Renbrandt lemone SUFRTHRU MaxPainNL yaniel Wash the turtle HannahPadd beqa Jerros pepp2 Ulv NOWHERE Dance Club DeltaMachine nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc Koffee Giammyroquai Summi Lisek Meta-link formi Korzei Madkurre Koral teejusb niu arx sukibaby Doumeki HeeroJay COLLETnm7 LOG KlineFGC tum Tina_otoge sirex DDDAAA Robbumon Appe MegaSphere TuberColotti01 oza180 X!! nifterific Dsongi LuckJury Azirixx ICTtoken PCBoyGames jck!! PATTTTTT glitchbear itgaz DaniEstrada yoonjelly HeavyModeYT dashark topet DF.freyja Bakandrev Dielawn316 Vagabond Croneus Ayaka TMONEY Alessy Behy HATSU nico Elixir of Silence vintogigue reset_itg Fieoner AMBONES eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth takatzu48 rogerclark BSENSS6 Blizzrdball teri Darkstar FabSab44 ladymolii TUTO plasmaaa plasmaaa no bar kayzero Nardu Shpadoinkle Many Rescores Yam Meogu Lolitsme Sprzedajniok Wafles SleepBAAA WAY2022 Unpronounceable Eupnea BreakfastPM aryla Hasse Vexi Puddi B3NS3X PenguinLord hegza ozurisa1803 pinguu Nato wsupden ok barrysir Icydays shoopa EdgrMx Maxx-Storm gaboitg ManBearPeon twang riceychicken Tonester HellKiteChaos Kirika frank_gaming Electromuis DarkFyzx Megaman X3 SleepyDragon trueblue410 AGreenRupee slowunsteady Sonjax Senture CLINTBEASTWOOD DJPandaga 19742bytes Lovesick Loop sigonasr2 sadcat takumiAE86 ITGRyan Teruna LEISHEN. jqtran gulu CrackedCaptain pifpaf Badjas Paul_P nick23 Limen xMez Meili Tatsh_GTO! caruku Smalls JONBUDDY F10W Aldarole Jake B XjojoX Lugea Mike458 Frantalicious Anderdandy Camdenr pinklo pepsichan69 jnoobie312 Alei Chocol@inMatt diablos Maru96 Hey Bud IUYK. bles48 autumn!! Gyzarus Kmlo lafv54 Jagc Mango maxwelllt D4RK pinkloon SRH* El mata perras EnalaprilEgon Elsutroman07 @@ rrwoods Wenn Vain ptcht Accioskullar Pixel daddy zexyu NoixXx CK89REY Rust ITG jjew caleb2656 xapa werdwerdus kcamper92 Chi_Ponyo DerpyPengu Jejo93 Rafunk LaplaceFox Bird pogofcz kittyhawkcontrail Kriss Fractal valsartan DF.LemmingOnTheRun Nickopolis JuliSM LEO2DX cloverwolf stormpegy eco friendly wood veneers Bumblesteps Staphf Faker13 remonia Alternate Enjoyer JugglingElectrons _Temeraire Uberjudgement rawblink Kbjr Killuas Skateboard jerryjurr XeaLouS Terochi skate kidcrab ADAMV3 fastboy laserfalcon DanielsanX4A AzleKayn Dinosaur Emoji SailorMoonElite L!AM bobayubi VivaLaMoo San19 pou buntata freddy15204 Stefe MikyDDR Pushmataha SSmantis nabulator MONO_COL Based Honk Kapdin neyoru verniy_ Doublegambler Milky Diego_demetori sumikk0 Samuelio Pan Daz4 Dave (Canberra) Nac STsung KevinDGAF Stern Nate General NBCrescendo Maybell Eigenhart kiko Zap djlunatix kmost supremeJD speny pani HappyLaborDay NDimensional Miu TommyDoesntMiss Mekki jabberjawse Simred GWen omnoia yunoasumi leadkite Loak CelAnima Roscoejustros Pokev K*- maboesanman freedmaaan Kralde ElPapaCosmico Zivie87 Banelings Giosualdo ILLUMINATY_LOKO marcam DillThePill08 Gpop Ugge _69 Rai riler vstar992 JonzaPaws BUTTCHUGGIN taeman Lordcharlie tappy CinnamonPie Wister MY BRAND solrbear oyako finncaev yyr Cxxxx feligs Lumen Judicium Nemesis MlemGoober ddrulox mbo Decoy Lilo Landa SierraTheBlueJay KonnorLetterBee TrollerX rootkitty IrisQuasar Raijin29a6 Kevin Durant janitor maybe LAPIS W1LL_1_AM Sydia ipie4fun VOXR* Sona newtim Rythmik ganbatte neftali XBOX LIVE arcwil Jarem24 nerdnim Guy Incognito PikaGEMER Catz Giannis Antetokounmpo mrtong96 Snoman StarKid! lesbianswordfighting tomnobar Doneee Tetaes Jose_Varela QTurtle REI_Z3R0 Julichan tommy2turnt MohaHtn deformed yyao alxbl SigmaX Kiet Matthew22 Enbymion Bangladeshi tech scammer Kyroke Ani tiredsheep


    In furtherance of the support being offered to staminadventurers, a special relic will be presented to those who are able to achieve experience level 50.


    • Reach Life Level 50


    • ?????? Title
    flip DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero Some Rescores NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr CJPetey TheManwich Zankoku Dispolca atomcat SirDelins Sapphron No Rescores Urza titandude21 kelly_kato Borisaur Fietsemaker airplane CERiNG Akroma Exschwasion obesity102 turn up UVCat dlim patj JaceITG Synthromancy MINGW64 Chabala erictran0 Chance R. Valex aminuteawayx HURG DTF.cmmf Beremy Zarzob Sal! Amoo Telperion Perusal JOKR Paige RootReducer Dingoshi JJK EmanSaur Poncho10017:) jeshusha1 NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Doughbun Kyy Rawinput Keekee Pocho Fanatik25 mattm Nebel Zylos Cozy hk HOT TO GO! LFK Xynn lolipo djfipu Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy callmisoko help wrsw Geff midtown mang Donovan Bran StefXFN hollow iGoCollege Steve From Minecraft aye byron dom no bar Tristan97 Griever Yani SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol Caji123 Steve_V Evertree Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Just A Space Cowboy dimo Yeyeito abbeycat Lazorcat ontonieneosas Biala emowo CEXX rynker Donza Atti eigo wakaranai Mau xancara No Key Scores !ElCaMiX! som1sezhi Narwhal Prime arol Sereni nvanleerdrums xiaowuc1 luna2108 Silver Fox SanHelbert Eleftheria arx pizzaconpinia PerfectTaste ZoG- Coppa t3a Renbrandt Wash the turtle beqa Jerros nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc Lisek COLLETnm7 tum Appe MegaSphere ICTtoken jck!! itgaz dashark DF.freyja nico Fieoner eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth takatzu48 FabSab44 Nardu Shpadoinkle Many Rescores aryla Puddi hegza pinguu Nato Maxx-Storm Lovesick Loop takumiAE86 CrackedCaptain Badjas Paul_P Tatsh_GTO! caruku Camdenr Chocol@inMatt Maru96 Hey Bud Mango daddy zexyu Rust ITG kcamper92 DerpyPengu Bird DF.LemmingOnTheRun Faker13 remonia Uberjudgement ADAMV3 pou MikyDDR MONO_COL Based Honk verniy_ Pan Dave (Canberra) Nate NBCrescendo riler Wister oyako Raijin29a6 maybe ganbatte Giannis Antetokounmpo mrtong96 Kiet


    Upon reaching level 75, staminadventurers are to receive a powerful relic that will help draw out the hidden power of any shields in their possession.


    • Reach Life Level 75


    • 486 BB
    • ?????? Title


    Only elite staminadventurers reach the coveted experience level 99, and those that do so are gifted a remarkable relic.


    • Reach Life Level 99


    • ?????? Title


    Prove your anime street cred by defeating a monster related to Bokurano!


    • ??????


    • 227 EXP
    • 13 Gold
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    flip zkldi DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk DdRDan Lotarr Hewhoamareismyself CJPetey Zankoku Rarily Janus5k Dispolca atomcat SirDelins Sapphron titandude21 kelly_kato Fietsemaker peaceduke airplane CERiNG Akroma dlim patj Chabala erictran0 Chance R. Valex aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG Zarzob Litter* Sal! Amoo Telperion Perusal JOKR Paige RootReducer Dingoshi JJK EmanSaur NERO COME PALOMITAS PE MediocreOmen Kyy Rawinput Fanatik25 killuastep mattm Nebel Zylos DarthkiraMX Cozy hk HOT TO GO! LFK Xynn Hubert djfipu Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy callmisoko Mc_Joe DogsPlan help wrsw Geff mang Bran LunaMail StefXFN hollow ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft aye byron Tristan97 Yani SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol J13Rstyle Caji123 Steve_V Evertree Blondazz Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Zepherino Kommisar Ambisinister Foulu458 Just A Space Cowboy Nao Hikari Rudeshadow abbeycat Lazorcat ontonieneosas Biala emowo CEXX LeBlusz Donza SANDRIXS Atti eigo wakaranai Mau xancara No Key Scores !ElCaMiX! som1sezhi Alextrebek Narwhal Prime arol Sereni nvanleerdrums wolfxalienware Kyle Wards Lawyer xiaowuc1 luna2108 Silver Fox SanHelbert Eleftheria arx Konegaru pizzaconpinia PerfectTaste ZoG- Axor Coppa t3a Renbrandt SUFRTHRU beqa Jerros pepp2 nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc Koffee Giammyroquai Summi Lisek Meta-link Korzei Koral COLLETnm7 LOG tum Tina_otoge sirex Appe MegaSphere oza180 Dsongi LuckJury ICTtoken jck!! PATTTTTT glitchbear dashark topet DF.freyja Dielawn316 Ayaka HATSU nico Elixir of Silence Fieoner AMBONES eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth takatzu48 BSENSS6 Blizzrdball teri FabSab44 TUTO plasmaaa no bar Shpadoinkle Sprzedajniok Wafles SleepBAAA Eupnea aryla Hasse Vexi Puddi hegza pinguu wsupden ok Icydays gaboitg Kirika frank_gaming SleepyDragon trueblue410 slowunsteady CLINTBEASTWOOD 19742bytes takumiAE86 ITGRyan CrackedCaptain pifpaf Badjas Paul_P xMez Meili Tatsh_GTO! caruku F10W Aldarole Jake B Lugea Camdenr pepsichan69 jnoobie312 Chocol@inMatt Mango pinkloon rrwoods Vain daddy zexyu Rust ITG DerpyPengu Rafunk Bird pogofcz kittyhawkcontrail JuliSM cloverwolf Faker13 Uberjudgement rawblink Killuas Skateboard XeaLouS Terochi bobayubi pou Stefe MikyDDR nabulator MONO_COL Kapdin neyoru verniy_ sumikk0 Pan Dave (Canberra) KevinDGAF Nate General kiko djlunatix Miu Mekki GWen Loak Pokev Banelings ILLUMINATY_LOKO _69 Rai vstar992 Wister oyako Cxxxx maybe Sydia Guy Incognito mrtong96 yyao alxbl




    • ??????


    • 236 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????


    It was a geometric shape who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and it had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish.


    • ??????


    • 235 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    flip DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk DdRDan nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr Hewhoamareismyself CJPetey TheManwich Zankoku Rarily Janus5k Dispolca atomcat SirDelins IcyCold Sapphron titandude21 kelly_kato Borisaur peaceduke airplane CERiNG Akroma Exschwasion turn up dlim patj JaceITG Chabala erictran0 gatodeplastico Chance R. mkwiiallpro Valex aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG Max Forever Zarzob Litter* Sal! Amoo Telperion Perusal JOKR Paige RootReducer Dingoshi BigYama JJK EmanSaur Poncho10017:) NERO COME PALOMITAS PE MediocreOmen Kyy Rawinput Fanatik25 killuastep valgrind Nebel Zylos DarthkiraMX Cozy hk HOT TO GO! LFK kenji- Xynn Hubert djfipu Toraie Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy Mc_Joe DogsPlan help artimst wrsw Geff midtown N64 mang Bran LunaMail StefXFN hollow iGoCollege ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft PaaT aye byron PinkDad Tristan97 Adamskull catnip Griever Yani SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol Caji123 Steve_V Evertree Blondazz Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Zepherino Formless Kommisar Ambisinister Just A Space Cowboy Nao Hikari Peli abbeycat Lazorcat ontonieneosas Biala emowo CEXX LeBlusz Donza SANDRIXS Atti eigo wakaranai AgentAttorney Mau xancara No Key Scores typobox som1sezhi NicholasNRG M.G Alextrebek Narwhal Prime arol Sereni nvanleerdrums wolfxalienware xiaowuc1 luna2108 DarkShibara Silver Fox spbsuitmo SanHelbert Eleftheria arx Konegaru pizzaconpinia Viper gomusou PerfectTaste ZoG- kfiri Axor Coppa t3a Renbrandt lemone SUFRTHRU MaxPainNL yaniel Wash the turtle beqa Jerros pepp2 Ulv NOWHERE Dance Club DeltaMachine nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc Koffee Giammyroquai Summi Lisek Meta-link formi Korzei Madkurre Koral niu arx HeeroJay COLLETnm7 KlineFGC tum Tina_otoge sirex Robbumon Appe MegaSphere nifterific Dsongi LuckJury Azirixx ICTtoken PCBoyGames jck!! PATTTTTT glitchbear DaniEstrada yoonjelly HeavyModeYT dashark topet DF.freyja Bakandrev Dielawn316 Vagabond Ayaka TMONEY HATSU nico Elixir of Silence Fieoner AMBONES eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth BSENSS6 Blizzrdball FabSab44 TUTO plasmaaa no bar kayzero Nardu Shpadoinkle Yam Sprzedajniok Wafles SleepBAAA WAY2022 Unpronounceable Eupnea BreakfastPM aryla Hasse Vexi Puddi B3NS3X pinguu Nato wsupden ok Icydays Maxx-Storm gaboitg ManBearPeon Kirika frank_gaming DarkFyzx SleepyDragon trueblue410 slowunsteady Sonjax DJPandaga 19742bytes sigonasr2 takumiAE86 ITGRyan CrackedCaptain pifpaf Badjas Paul_P Limen xMez Meili Tatsh_GTO! caruku Smalls F10W Aldarole Jake B Frantalicious Camdenr pinklo pepsichan69 jnoobie312 Chocol@inMatt Maru96 Hey Bud IUYK. autumn!! lafv54 Mango maxwelllt pinkloon El mata perras @@ Vain Accioskullar Pixel daddy zexyu Rust ITG jjew caleb2656 xapa werdwerdus kcamper92 DerpyPengu Rafunk LaplaceFox Bird pogofcz kittyhawkcontrail Fractal DF.LemmingOnTheRun Nickopolis JuliSM LEO2DX cloverwolf Bumblesteps Faker13 JugglingElectrons _Temeraire Uberjudgement rawblink Kbjr Killuas Skateboard XeaLouS Terochi ADAMV3 laserfalcon DanielsanX4A AzleKayn bobayubi pou buntata MikyDDR Pushmataha SSmantis MONO_COL Kapdin neyoru verniy_ Doublegambler Milky Samuelio Pan Dave (Canberra) Nac KevinDGAF Nate General Maybell Eigenhart Zap djlunatix supremeJD TommyDoesntMiss Mekki Simred GWen yunoasumi leadkite Roscoejustros Pokev K*- maboesanman ElPapaCosmico Zivie87 ILLUMINATY_LOKO Ugge _69 Rai taeman Wister solrbear oyako finncaev yyr feligs Lumen Judicium Nemesis MlemGoober ddrulox Lilo Landa rootkitty Kevin Durant janitor maybe LAPIS W1LL_1_AM Sydia ipie4fun VOXR* newtim Rythmik arcwil Jarem24 PikaGEMER Catz mrtong96 tomnobar QTurtle deformed yyao alxbl Ani




    • ??????


    • 236 EXP
    • 14 BB
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    flip DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam DdRDan nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr CJPetey TheManwich Zankoku Rarily Dispolca atomcat SirDelins Sapphron titandude21 kelly_kato peaceduke CERiNG Akroma turn up patj JaceITG Chabala erictran0 Chance R. aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG Zarzob Sal! Amoo Telperion Perusal JOKR Paige JJK EmanSaur Poncho10017:) NERO COME PALOMITAS PE MediocreOmen Kyy Fanatik25 killuastep Nebel Zylos Cozy hk HOT TO GO! LFK Xynn Hubert Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy help Geff midtown mang Bran StefXFN hollow iGoCollege ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft aye byron Tristan97 Caji123 Steve_V Evertree Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Zepherino Just A Space Cowboy Nao Hikari abbeycat Biala emowo CEXX Donza Atti xancara No Key Scores arol Sereni xiaowuc1 luna2108 SanHelbert Eleftheria arx Konegaru pizzaconpinia PerfectTaste ZoG- Axor Coppa Renbrandt SUFRTHRU beqa Jerros MistyGriotte Tuuc Lisek tum Robbumon Appe MegaSphere LuckJury ICTtoken PATTTTTT dashark topet DF.freyja Dielawn316 HATSU nico Elixir of Silence Fieoner eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth BSENSS6 TUTO Sprzedajniok Eupnea aryla Hasse Vexi Puddi pinguu ok Kirika trueblue410 slowunsteady takumiAE86 ITGRyan CrackedCaptain Paul_P xMez caruku Smalls Jake B Camdenr Chocol@inMatt Maru96 Mango pinkloon daddy zexyu Rust ITG werdwerdus DerpyPengu Bird pogofcz DF.LemmingOnTheRun cloverwolf Faker13 _Temeraire Uberjudgement rawblink Killuas Skateboard pou MikyDDR MONO_COL Kapdin neyoru verniy_ Pan General _69 taeman Wister oyako Lumen maybe Catz tomnobar alxbl




    • ??????


    • 232 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????


    ChasePines needs help with some chores. For starters, a number of his pets ran away because he carelessly left his front door open. Can you keep your eyes open in your travels and try to return them to him if you find any?


    • ??????


    • 221 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    flip DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero Some Rescores NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk DdRDan nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr CJPetey TheManwich Zankoku Rarily Janus5k Dispolca atomcat SirDelins IcyCold Sapphron No Rescores titandude21 kelly_kato Borisaur Fietsemaker peaceduke airplane CERiNG Akroma Exschwasion obesity102 turn up UVCat dlim patj JaceITG Chabala erictran0 gatodeplastico Chance R. mkwiiallpro Valex aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG DTF.cmmf Zarzob Sal! Amoo Telperion Perusal JOKR Paige RootReducer Dingoshi BigYama JJK sangyule EmanSaur Poncho10017:) jeshusha1 NERO COME PALOMITAS PE MediocreOmen Kyy Rawinput Keekee MacPatata Pocho Fanatik25 killuastep mattm valgrind Nebel Zylos DarthkiraMX Cozy hk HOT TO GO! Kigha LFK kenji- Xynn dancingmaractus Highflyer lolipo Hubert djfipu Toraie Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy callmisoko Mc_Joe DogsPlan help BagMan65 wrsw Geff midtown N64 mang Bran LunaMail StefXFN hollow iGoCollege ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft PaaT aye byron dom no bar Tristan97 Adamskull catnip Griever Yani SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol J13Rstyle Caji123 Steve_V Evertree Blondazz Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Zepherino Kommisar Ambisinister Foulu458 Just A Space Cowboy dimo Yeyeito Nao Hikari Peli abbeycat Lazorcat ontonieneosas Biala emowo hugh_jass CEXX LeBlusz Donza SANDRIXS Atti eigo wakaranai AgentAttorney Hunter Mau trescal xancara No Key Scores !ElCaMiX! som1sezhi NicholasNRG M.G Alextrebek Narwhal Prime arol Sereni nvanleerdrums wolfxalienware NekoMithos Kyle Wards Lawyer xiaowuc1 luna2108 DarkShibara Silver Fox bex SanHelbert ForkySpoon Eleftheria arx Konegaru ddrneel pizzaconpinia Viper PerfectTaste ZoG- kfiri Axor Coppa t3a Renbrandt lemone SUFRTHRU MaxPainNL Wash the turtle HannahPadd beqa Jerros pepp2 NOWHERE Dance Club DeltaMachine nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc Koffee Giammyroquai Summi Lisek Meta-link formi Korzei Madkurre Koral Doumeki HeeroJay COLLETnm7 KlineFGC tum Tina_otoge sirex DDDAAA Robbumon Appe MegaSphere oza180 X!! nifterific Dsongi LuckJury ICTtoken jck!! PATTTTTT glitchbear yoonjelly HeavyModeYT dashark topet DF.freyja Bakandrev Dielawn316 Croneus TMONEY Behy HATSU nico Elixir of Silence Fieoner AMBONES eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth takatzu48 rogerclark BSENSS6 Blizzrdball Darkstar FabSab44 ladymolii TUTO plasmaaa no bar Nardu Shpadoinkle Sprzedajniok Wafles SleepBAAA WAY2022 Unpronounceable Eupnea BreakfastPM aryla Vexi Puddi B3NS3X PenguinLord hegza ozurisa1803 pinguu Nato wsupden ok shoopa EdgrMx Maxx-Storm gaboitg ManBearPeon twang riceychicken Tonester Kirika frank_gaming Electromuis DarkFyzx Megaman X3 SleepyDragon trueblue410 AGreenRupee slowunsteady Sonjax Senture CLINTBEASTWOOD 19742bytes Lovesick Loop sigonasr2 takumiAE86 ITGRyan gulu CrackedCaptain pifpaf Badjas Paul_P xMez Tatsh_GTO! caruku Smalls JONBUDDY F10W Aldarole Jake B XjojoX Lugea Mike458 Camdenr pinklo pepsichan69 jnoobie312 Chocol@inMatt diablos Maru96 Hey Bud IUYK. bles48 autumn!! lafv54 Mango maxwelllt pinkloon SRH* EnalaprilEgon rrwoods Vain ptcht Pixel daddy zexyu NoixXx Rust ITG caleb2656 werdwerdus kcamper92 Chi_Ponyo DerpyPengu Jejo93 Rafunk Bird pogofcz kittyhawkcontrail Kriss Fractal valsartan DF.LemmingOnTheRun JuliSM LEO2DX cloverwolf stormpegy Faker13 remonia Uberjudgement rawblink Killuas Skateboard XeaLouS Terochi skate ADAMV3 DanielsanX4A AzleKayn SailorMoonElite L!AM bobayubi pou buntata MikyDDR Pushmataha SSmantis MONO_COL Kapdin neyoru verniy_ Doublegambler sumikk0 Samuelio Pan Daz4 Dave (Canberra) STsung KevinDGAF Nate General NBCrescendo Maybell Eigenhart Zap supremeJD Miu TommyDoesntMiss Mekki GWen yunoasumi leadkite Roscoejustros Pokev K*- maboesanman ElPapaCosmico Zivie87 Banelings ILLUMINATY_LOKO marcam Gpop Ugge _69 Rai vstar992 JonzaPaws Wister MY BRAND oyako finncaev yyr Cxxxx feligs Judicium Nemesis MlemGoober Decoy Lilo Landa SierraTheBlueJay KonnorLetterBee rootkitty janitor maybe LAPIS W1LL_1_AM ipie4fun VOXR* Sona newtim Rythmik ganbatte neftali arcwil Jarem24 Catz mrtong96 tomnobar Doneee Jose_Varela QTurtle Julichan MohaHtn deformed yyao alxbl SigmaX Kyroke




    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 5188 EXP
    • ?????? Title


    I really need of a new sensation
    It's only a dream but I can show you
    That my feeling is high, take me baby


    • ??????


    • 862 EXP
    • 122 BB
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    flip zkldi DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero Some Rescores NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr CJPetey Zankoku Rarily Dispolca atomcat SirDelins Sapphron titandude21 kelly_kato Fietsemaker CERiNG Akroma turn up UVCat dlim JaceITG Chabala erictran0 Chance R. aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG Zarzob Sal! Amoo JOKR Paige Dingoshi JJK EmanSaur Poncho10017:) jeshusha1 NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Kyy Fanatik25 Nebel Zylos Cozy hk HOT TO GO! LFK Xynn Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy DogsPlan help Geff midtown mang Donovan Bran LunaMail StefXFN hollow iGoCollege ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft aye byron Tristan97 Yani SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol Caji123 Steve_V Evertree Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Ambisinister Just A Space Cowboy Yeyeito Rudeshadow Lazorcat Biala emowo CEXX Donza Atti eigo wakaranai Mau xancara No Key Scores !ElCaMiX! Narwhal Prime arol Sereni nvanleerdrums NekoMithos xiaowuc1 luna2108 Silver Fox SanHelbert Eleftheria arx Konegaru pizzaconpinia PerfectTaste ZoG- Axor Coppa Renbrandt Wash the turtle beqa Jerros MistyGriotte Tuuc Giammyroquai Summi Lisek COLLETnm7 tum Robbumon Appe MegaSphere oza180 ICTtoken jck!! PATTTTTT itgaz dashark DF.freyja Dielawn316 nico Elixir of Silence Fieoner AMBONES eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth takatzu48 FabSab44 plasmaaa no bar Nardu Yam Meogu Wafles SleepBAAA aryla Hasse Puddi hegza pinguu Nato ok Maxx-Storm Tonester Electromuis CLINTBEASTWOOD Lovesick Loop takumiAE86 CrackedCaptain Badjas Paul_P xMez Tatsh_GTO! caruku Jake B Lugea Mike458 Camdenr Chocol@inMatt bles48 Mango daddy zexyu Rust ITG kcamper92 DerpyPengu Bird DF.LemmingOnTheRun Faker13 Uberjudgement Killuas Skateboard XeaLouS ADAMV3 pou MikyDDR MONO_COL verniy_ Pan Dave (Canberra) kmost Mekki GWen freedmaaan Giosualdo ILLUMINATY_LOKO BUTTCHUGGIN Wister oyako Cxxxx maybe ganbatte mrtong96 Kiet


    On the latest performance review, the up arrow was found to be the most lacking of all its peers across the experiences of staminadventurers. Someone's gonna need to fire it. Care to volunteer for the job?


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    • 848 EXP
    • 122 BB
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????




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    • 225 EXP
    • 12 Gold
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    flip DanPeriod Archi NinjaNabi PkGam Zeipher_Hawk DdRDan nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr CJPetey TheManwich Zankoku Rarily Dispolca atomcat SirDelins Sapphron titandude21 kelly_kato Fietsemaker peaceduke CERiNG Akroma turn up patj JaceITG Chabala erictran0 Chance R. Valex aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG Zarzob Sal! Amoo Telperion Perusal JOKR Paige Dingoshi JJK EmanSaur Poncho10017:) jeshusha1 NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Fanatik25 killuastep Nebel Zylos Cozy hk HOT TO GO! LFK Xynn djfipu Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy Mc_Joe help midtown mang Donovan Bran StefXFN hollow ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft aye byron dom no bar Tristan97 Yani Adol J13Rstyle Caji123 Steve_V Evertree Blondazz Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Zepherino Ambisinister Foulu458 Just A Space Cowboy Yeyeito Nao Hikari abbeycat Lazorcat ontonieneosas Biala emowo CEXX Donza Atti eigo wakaranai Mau xancara No Key Scores !ElCaMiX! arol Sereni wolfxalienware NekoMithos xiaowuc1 luna2108 Silver Fox SanHelbert Eleftheria arx Konegaru pizzaconpinia PerfectTaste ZoG- Axor Coppa Renbrandt SUFRTHRU beqa Jerros MistyGriotte Tuuc Giammyroquai Summi Lisek Korzei COLLETnm7 tum sirex Appe MegaSphere Dsongi ICTtoken jck!! PATTTTTT glitchbear dashark DF.freyja Ayaka Behy HATSU nico Elixir of Silence eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth BSENSS6 FabSab44 ladymolii TUTO plasmaaa no bar Sprzedajniok SleepBAAA Eupnea aryla Vexi Puddi hegza pinguu Nato ok gaboitg Kirika SleepyDragon trueblue410 slowunsteady Sonjax takumiAE86 ITGRyan Badjas Paul_P xMez caruku Smalls Aldarole Lugea Camdenr pinklo jnoobie312 Chocol@inMatt Mango D4RK pinkloon El mata perras daddy zexyu Rust ITG jjew werdwerdus Chi_Ponyo DerpyPengu Bird pogofcz kittyhawkcontrail DF.LemmingOnTheRun Faker13 Uberjudgement rawblink Killuas Skateboard XeaLouS ADAMV3 L!AM bobayubi pou MikyDDR MONO_COL Kapdin verniy_ Pan Dave (Canberra) STsung Nate General Miu omnoia Pokev Zivie87 DillThePill08 _69 vstar992 taeman Wister ddrulox maybe neftali Catz tomnobar alxbl




    • ??????


    • 221 EXP
    • 12 BB
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    StarrySergal has offered to give you a neat relic, but he wants you to do some work for him first. The first task on the list is to bring him a Goreshit 2020 monster. If you're able to complete this job, he might have more work for you to do.


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    • 859 EXP
    • ?????? Title
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    • 13755 EXP
    • 625 Gold
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    A monster infestation is underway at a hospital in French Coast Stamina. Staminadventurers are being enlisted to help deal with the issue, starting from the reception area, where a few of the fiends have taken up residence.


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    • 2420 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    The Joyous Streaming Collective is hosting a conference, and it's a great opportunity to meditate with some streaming gurus. To start with, you should go listen to the opening remarks and learn a bit about the different speakers-- the price of admissions is defeating a Joy of Streaming monster.


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    • 833 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    flip zkldi DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero Some Rescores NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr CJPetey TheManwich Zankoku Rarily Dispolca atomcat SirDelins IcyCold Sapphron No Rescores Urza titandude21 kelly_kato Fietsemaker peaceduke airplane CERiNG Akroma Exschwasion obesity102 turn up UVCat dlim patj JaceITG Synthromancy MINGW64 Chabala erictran0 Chance R. Valex aminuteawayx HURG Max Forever Zarzob Sal! Amoo Telperion Perusal JOKR Paige RootReducer Dingoshi JJK EmanSaur Poncho10017:) jeshusha1 NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Doughbun Kyy Keekee Fanatik25 mattm Nebel Zylos Cozy hk HOT TO GO! LFK kenji- Xynn djfipu Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy callmisoko DogsPlan help Geff midtown mang Donovan Bran LunaMail StefXFN hollow iGoCollege ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft aye byron dom no bar Tristan97 Adamskull catnip Griever Yani SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol Caji123 Steve_V Evertree Blondazz Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Ambisinister Just A Space Cowboy Yeyeito Nao Hikari Rudeshadow abbeycat Lazorcat ZarinahBBM ontonieneosas Biala emowo CEXX Donza _CONTROL SANDRIXS Atti eigo wakaranai Mau xancara No Key Scores !ElCaMiX! som1sezhi Narwhal Prime arol Sereni nvanleerdrums wolfxalienware xiaowuc1 luna2108 Shoe RPG Squeens Silver Fox SanHelbert Eleftheria arx Konegaru pizzaconpinia PerfectTaste ZoG- Axor Coppa t3a Renbrandt SUFRTHRU Wash the turtle beqa Jerros nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc Giammyroquai Summi Lisek Korzei Madkurre COLLETnm7 tum Robbumon Appe MegaSphere Dsongi ICTtoken jck!! glitchbear itgaz dashark DF.freyja Dielawn316 Ayaka HATSU nico Elixir of Silence Fieoner AMBONES eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth takatzu48 FabSab44 TUTO plasmaaa plasmaaa no bar Nardu Yam Meogu Sprzedajniok Wafles SleepBAAA Eupnea aryla Hasse Vexi Puddi B3NS3X hegza ozurisa1803 pinguu Nato wsupden ok Maxx-Storm gaboitg frank_gaming Electromuis slowunsteady CLINTBEASTWOOD Lovesick Loop takumiAE86 ITGRyan CrackedCaptain Badjas Paul_P Tatsh_GTO! caruku Aldarole Jake B Lugea Camdenr pepsichan69 Chocol@inMatt Maru96 Hey Bud bles48 autumn!! Mango pinkloon El mata perras @@ daddy zexyu NoixXx Rust ITG kcamper92 Chi_Ponyo DerpyPengu Bird kittyhawkcontrail Kriss DF.LemmingOnTheRun JuliSM cloverwolf stormpegy Faker13 remonia _Temeraire Uberjudgement Killuas Skateboard jerryjurr XeaLouS ADAMV3 laserfalcon pou buntata MikyDDR SSmantis nabulator MONO_COL Based Honk Kapdin neyoru verniy_ Samuelio Pan Daz4 Dave (Canberra) KevinDGAF General NBCrescendo pani Miu Mekki GWen CelAnima K*- freedmaaan Giosualdo ILLUMINATY_LOKO Gpop _69 riler Wister solrbear oyako Cxxxx Raijin29a6 maybe ganbatte arcwil nerdnim Giannis Antetokounmpo mrtong96 Snoman tomnobar Kiet




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    • 2326 EXP
    • ?????? Title


    Kyy has been getting accosted by a reanimated corpse recently that's been wandering around Viking Coast Stamina. If you could be so kind as to take care of this little uh, issue, Kyy might impart some knowledge on where to hunt some special monsters.


    • ??????


    • 223 EXP
    • 13 BB
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    flip DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk DdRDan nihongo wakaranai Lotarr Hewhoamareismyself CJPetey Zankoku Rarily Dispolca atomcat SirDelins Sapphron Urza titandude21 kelly_kato Borisaur peaceduke airplane CERiNG Akroma dlim patj JaceITG Chabala erictran0 Chance R. Valex aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG Zarzob Sal! Amoo Telperion Perusal JOKR Paige EmanSaur Poncho10017:) jeshusha1 MediocreOmen Kyy Rawinput MacPatata Fanatik25 killuastep Nebel Zylos DarthkiraMX Cozy hk HOT TO GO! LFK kenji- Xynn djfipu Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy callmisoko DogsPlan help wrsw midtown N64 mang Bran LunaMail StefXFN hollow iGoCollege ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft PaaT aye byron Tristan97 Adamskull catnip Griever Yani SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol J13Rstyle Caji123 EX Pad Miss Steve_V Evertree Blondazz Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Zepherino Kommisar Ambisinister Just A Space Cowboy dimo Nao Hikari abbeycat Lazorcat ontonieneosas Biala emowo hugh_jass CEXX LeBlusz Donza Atti eigo wakaranai Mau trescal xancara No Key Scores typobox !ElCaMiX! som1sezhi Alextrebek Narwhal Prime arol Sereni nvanleerdrums wolfxalienware xiaowuc1 luna2108 Silver Fox SanHelbert Eleftheria arx Konegaru pizzaconpinia Viper PerfectTaste ZoG- kfiri Axor Coppa t3a Renbrandt SUFRTHRU MaxPainNL Wash the turtle HannahPadd beqa Jerros pepp2 NOWHERE Dance Club DeltaMachine nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc Koffee Summi Lisek Meta-link Korzei Madkurre Koral HeeroJay COLLETnm7 tum sirex Appe MegaSphere Dsongi ICTtoken jck!! PATTTTTT glitchbear yoonjelly dashark topet DF.freyja Dielawn316 Ayaka Behy HATSU nico Elixir of Silence Fieoner AMBONES eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth takatzu48 rogerclark Blizzrdball teri ladymolii TUTO plasmaaa no bar Nardu Shpadoinkle Yam Sprzedajniok SleepBAAA Eupnea BreakfastPM aryla Vexi Puddi B3NS3X hegza ozurisa1803 pinguu wsupden ok shoopa gaboitg ManBearPeon riceychicken HellKiteChaos Kirika frank_gaming Electromuis DarkFyzx SleepyDragon trueblue410 AGreenRupee slowunsteady Sonjax 19742bytes takumiAE86 ITGRyan CrackedCaptain pifpaf Badjas Paul_P xMez Tatsh_GTO! caruku JONBUDDY F10W Aldarole Jake B XjojoX Anderdandy Camdenr pinklo pepsichan69 Chocol@inMatt diablos Maru96 IUYK. bles48 autumn!! Kmlo lafv54 Jagc Mango pinkloon SRH* El mata perras Wenn Vain daddy zexyu NoixXx Rust ITG caleb2656 werdwerdus kcamper92 Chi_Ponyo Jejo93 LaplaceFox Bird pogofcz kittyhawkcontrail Fractal DF.LemmingOnTheRun Nickopolis LEO2DX cloverwolf Faker13 Uberjudgement rawblink Killuas Skateboard XeaLouS Terochi laserfalcon DanielsanX4A L!AM pou buntata Stefe MikyDDR MONO_COL Kapdin neyoru verniy_ Pan Dave (Canberra) KevinDGAF Nate General supremeJD Miu TommyDoesntMiss Mekki Roscoejustros Pokev K*- maboesanman ILLUMINATY_LOKO Ugge _69 Wister oyako yyr Cxxxx feligs ddrulox KonnorLetterBee maybe W1LL_1_AM ipie4fun Rythmik tomnobar REI_Z3R0 deformed yyao alxbl




    • ??????


    • 5169 EXP
    • 395 Gold
    • ?????? Title


    An anonymous request has been made to the Stamina Corps, asking for someone to retrieve a 'Metal Johnathan'. It's not really clear what they're talking about, but you're welcome to try if you've got some idea of what they meant.


    • ??????


    • 221 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    flip DanPeriod Archi NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk DdRDan nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr CJPetey Zankoku Rarily Janus5k Dispolca atomcat SirDelins Sapphron titandude21 kelly_kato peaceduke CERiNG Akroma turn up patj erictran0 Chance R. aminuteawayx HURG Zarzob Sal! Amoo Perusal JOKR Paige RootReducer JJK NERO COME PALOMITAS PE MediocreOmen Kyy Rawinput Fanatik25 Nebel Zylos Cozy hk HOT TO GO! LFK kenji- Xynn Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy callmisoko help mang Bran StefXFN hollow ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft aye byron Tristan97 catnip SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol Steve_V Evertree Furious_Dan Kommisar Ambisinister Just A Space Cowboy Nao Hikari abbeycat Lazorcat Biala emowo CEXX Donza SANDRIXS Atti eigo wakaranai Mau xancara No Key Scores !ElCaMiX! som1sezhi Alextrebek arol nvanleerdrums xiaowuc1 luna2108 SanHelbert Eleftheria arx Konegaru pizzaconpinia PerfectTaste ZoG- Axor Coppa Renbrandt SUFRTHRU beqa Jerros MistyGriotte Tuuc Koffee Summi Lisek Meta-link Madkurre tum Robbumon Appe MegaSphere Dsongi ICTtoken jck!! PATTTTTT glitchbear itgaz HeavyModeYT dashark topet DF.freyja Croneus HATSU nico Elixir of Silence Fieoner eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth FabSab44 TUTO Nardu Meogu Sprzedajniok Eupnea aryla Vexi Puddi wsupden gaboitg Kirika frank_gaming SleepyDragon AGreenRupee slowunsteady takumiAE86 ITGRyan CrackedCaptain Badjas Paul_P xMez caruku Smalls F10W Aldarole Jake B XjojoX Camdenr Chocol@inMatt bles48 Mango D4RK Vain daddy zexyu NoixXx Chi_Ponyo DerpyPengu Bird kittyhawkcontrail valsartan cloverwolf Faker13 Uberjudgement Killuas Skateboard XeaLouS pou buntata MikyDDR MONO_COL Kapdin neyoru verniy_ Pan Dave (Canberra) KevinDGAF Nate General Miu Pokev Zivie87 _69 Wister oyako Cxxxx maybe tomnobar Jose_Varela alxbl Kiet




    • ??????


    • 4944 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????




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    • 13955 EXP
    • 615 BB
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    Raijin is on a vacation in the countryside, but misses his idol waifus. It might cheer him up if you bring one to him!


    • ??????


    • 236 EXP
    • 14 BB
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    flip DanPeriod Archi NinjaNabi PkGam Zeipher_Hawk DdRDan nihongo wakaranai Lotarr CJPetey Zankoku Dispolca atomcat SirDelins Sapphron No Rescores Urza titandude21 kelly_kato Borisaur peaceduke airplane Akroma UVCat dlim JaceITG MINGW64 Chabala erictran0 Chance R. aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG Zarzob Sal! Amoo Telperion Perusal JOKR Paige RootReducer BigYama JJK EmanSaur Kyy Keekee Fanatik25 mattm Nebel Zylos Cozy hk HOT TO GO! LFK kenji- Xynn Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy callmisoko Mc_Joe DogsPlan help Geff midtown mang Donovan Bran StefXFN hollow iGoCollege ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft aye byron Tristan97 Griever Yani Adol Caji123 Steve_V Evertree drillbot Furious_Dan Kommisar Ambisinister Just A Space Cowboy Yeyeito Nao Hikari Rudeshadow Peli abbeycat Lazorcat Biala emowo CEXX Donza Atti eigo wakaranai Mau xancara som1sezhi arol Sereni nvanleerdrums xiaowuc1 luna2108 Shoe RPG Squeens Silver Fox SanHelbert Eleftheria arx Konegaru pizzaconpinia gomusou PerfectTaste ZoG- Axor Coppa t3a Renbrandt Wash the turtle beqa Jerros nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc Lisek COLLETnm7 tum sirex Robbumon Appe MegaSphere Dsongi ICTtoken jck!! PATTTTTT glitchbear dashark DF.freyja nico Fieoner AMBONES eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth takatzu48 BSENSS6 Blizzrdball FabSab44 plasmaaa no bar Eupnea aryla Puddi hegza ozurisa1803 wsupden Maxx-Storm gaboitg ManBearPeon Kirika frank_gaming sigonasr2 takumiAE86 ITGRyan gulu CrackedCaptain Badjas Paul_P xMez caruku Aldarole Jake B Lugea Camdenr Chocol@inMatt Maru96 Hey Bud Mango daddy zexyu Rust ITG werdwerdus DerpyPengu Jejo93 Bird Kriss valsartan Faker13 Uberjudgement jerryjurr XeaLouS pou MikyDDR SSmantis Kapdin neyoru Pan Dave (Canberra) Miu Mekki GWen CelAnima ILLUMINATY_LOKO Ugge _69 Wister oyako Cxxxx Raijin29a6 maybe LAPIS ganbatte Giannis Antetokounmpo Kiet tiredsheep




    • ??????


    • 231 EXP
    • 11 Gold
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    flip DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero Some Rescores NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk DdRDan nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr Hewhoamareismyself CJPetey TheManwich Zankoku Rarily Dispolca atomcat SirDelins Sapphron titandude21 kelly_kato Borisaur Fietsemaker peaceduke airplane CERiNG Akroma Exschwasion turn up dlim patj JaceITG Synthromancy MINGW64 Chabala erictran0 Chance R. Valex aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG DTF.cmmf Max Forever Zarzob Litter* Sal! Amoo Telperion Perusal JOKR Paige RootReducer Dingoshi JJK EmanSaur Poncho10017:) NERO COME PALOMITAS PE MediocreOmen Kyy Fanatik25 killuastep mattm Nebel Zylos Cozy hk HOT TO GO! Kigha LFK kenji- Xynn dancingmaractus lolipo Hubert djfipu Toraie Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy DogsPlan help BagMan65 Geff midtown N64 mang Donovan Bran LunaMail StefXFN hollow iGoCollege ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft aye byron dom no bar PinkDad Tristan97 Adamskull Griever Adol J13Rstyle Caji123 EX Pad Miss Steve_V Evertree Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Zepherino Kommisar Just A Space Cowboy Yeyeito Nao Hikari Peli abbeycat Lazorcat ZarinahBBM ontonieneosas Biala emowo CEXX Donza Atti eigo wakaranai AgentAttorney Hunter Mau trescal xancara No Key Scores typobox !ElCaMiX! som1sezhi NicholasNRG MoistBruh Alextrebek Narwhal Prime arol Sereni nvanleerdrums wolfxalienware xiaowuc1 luna2108 DarkShibara Shoe RPG Squeens Silver Fox SanHelbert Eleftheria arx Konegaru ddrneel pizzaconpinia PerfectTaste ZoG- Axor Coppa Renbrandt lemone SUFRTHRU Wash the turtle beqa Jerros nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc Giammyroquai Summi Lisek formi Korzei HeeroJay COLLETnm7 tum sirex DDDAAA Robbumon Appe MegaSphere nifterific Dsongi LuckJury ICTtoken PATTTTTT glitchbear dashark topet DF.freyja Dielawn316 Ayaka HATSU nico Elixir of Silence Fieoner AMBONES eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth takatzu48 Blizzrdball teri FabSab44 TUTO plasmaaa no bar Shpadoinkle Yam Sprzedajniok Wafles Eupnea BreakfastPM aryla Vexi Puddi hegza pinguu Nato wsupden ok Maxx-Storm ManBearPeon Tonester Kirika trueblue410 AGreenRupee slowunsteady Sonjax Lovesick Loop takumiAE86 ITGRyan Badjas Paul_P xMez Tatsh_GTO! caruku Smalls Aldarole Jake B Camdenr pinklo jnoobie312 Chocol@inMatt Maru96 autumn!! Mango D4RK El mata perras EnalaprilEgon Vain daddy zexyu NoixXx Rust ITG jjew werdwerdus kcamper92 Chi_Ponyo DerpyPengu LaplaceFox Bird pogofcz kittyhawkcontrail DF.LemmingOnTheRun cloverwolf stormpegy eco friendly wood veneers Staphf Faker13 Uberjudgement rawblink Killuas Skateboard XeaLouS ADAMV3 L!AM pou Stefe MikyDDR Kapdin neyoru verniy_ sumikk0 Pan Daz4 Dave (Canberra) STsung Nate General speny Miu TommyDoesntMiss Mekki leadkite Pokev K*- maboesanman Gpop _69 taeman Wister MY BRAND oyako yyr Cxxxx Lumen Judicium Nemesis MlemGoober Decoy Lilo Landa KonnorLetterBee maybe W1LL_1_AM ipie4fun Rythmik ganbatte neftali nerdnim Catz Giannis Antetokounmpo tomnobar Jose_Varela deformed yyao alxbl


    Some Trails monsters have been sighted on the roads across Arrownia. It's not a huge concern, but it might be worthwhile to 'trail' them for a while and see if there's anything strange afoot.


    • ??????


    • 828 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????




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    • 8466 EXP
    • ?????? Title




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    • 4742 EXP
    • ?????? Title


    Xynn has been working on some mix tapes, but some test copies he made have gone missing. He's willing to share some more of his work with you if you're able to track them down for him.


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    • 222 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    flip zkldi DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero Some Rescores NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk DdRDan nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr Hewhoamareismyself CJPetey TheManwich Zankoku Rarily Dispolca atomcat SirDelins IcyCold Sapphron No Rescores Urza titandude21 kelly_kato Fietsemaker peaceduke airplane CERiNG Akroma Exschwasion obesity102 turn up UVCat dlim patj JaceITG MINGW64 Chabala erictran0 Chance R. Valex aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG Max Forever Zarzob Litter* Sal! Amoo Telperion Perusal JOKR Paige RootReducer Dingoshi JJK EmanSaur Poncho10017:) jeshusha1 NERO COME PALOMITAS PE MediocreOmen Kyy Rawinput Keekee Pocho Fanatik25 killuastep mattm Nebel Zylos Cozy hk HOT TO GO! Kigha LFK Xynn lolipo Hubert djfipu Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy callmisoko Mc_Joe DogsPlan help Geff midtown mang Donovan Bran LunaMail StefXFN hollow iGoCollege Steve From Minecraft PaaT aye byron dom no bar PinkDad Tristan97 Adamskull catnip Griever Yani SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol Caji123 Steve_V Evertree Blondazz Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Zepherino Kommisar Ambisinister Foulu458 Just A Space Cowboy dimo Yeyeito Nao Hikari Rudeshadow Peli abbeycat Lazorcat feedbacker ontonieneosas Biala emowo CEXX LeBlusz Donza _CONTROL SANDRIXS Atti eigo wakaranai Mau trescal xancara No Key Scores !ElCaMiX! som1sezhi MoistBruh Alextrebek Narwhal Prime arol Sereni nvanleerdrums wolfxalienware NekoMithos Ralph Caffery xiaowuc1 luna2108 Shoe RPG Squeens Silver Fox spbsuitmo SanHelbert Eleftheria arx Konegaru ddrneel pizzaconpinia PerfectTaste ZoG- Axor Coppa t3a Renbrandt SUFRTHRU Wash the turtle beqa Jerros nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc Koffee Giammyroquai Summi Lisek Meta-link formi Korzei Madkurre COLLETnm7 KlineFGC tum Tina_otoge sirex Robbumon Appe MegaSphere Dsongi LuckJury ICTtoken jck!! PATTTTTT glitchbear itgaz yoonjelly HeavyModeYT dashark topet DF.freyja Dielawn316 Croneus Ayaka TMONEY HATSU nico Elixir of Silence Fieoner AMBONES eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth takatzu48 Blizzrdball FabSab44 TUTO plasmaaa plasmaaa no bar Nardu Shpadoinkle Many Rescores Yam Meogu Sprzedajniok Wafles SleepBAAA Eupnea aryla Hasse Vexi Puddi B3NS3X PenguinLord hegza ozurisa1803 pinguu Nato wsupden gaboitg ManBearPeon Tonester Kirika frank_gaming Electromuis DarkFyzx SleepyDragon trueblue410 slowunsteady Sonjax Senture CLINTBEASTWOOD 19742bytes Lovesick Loop takumiAE86 ITGRyan Teruna LEISHEN. gulu CrackedCaptain Badjas Paul_P xMez Meili Tatsh_GTO! caruku F10W Aldarole Jake B Lugea Mike458 Frantalicious Camdenr pepsichan69 Chocol@inMatt Maru96 Hey Bud bles48 lafv54 Mango daddy zexyu NoixXx Rust ITG werdwerdus kcamper92 Chi_Ponyo DerpyPengu Jejo93 Bird pogofcz kittyhawkcontrail Kriss Fractal DF.LemmingOnTheRun JuliSM LEO2DX cloverwolf Faker13 remonia _Temeraire Uberjudgement Kbjr Killuas Skateboard jerryjurr XeaLouS Terochi kidcrab ADAMV3 fastboy laserfalcon pou buntata MikyDDR SSmantis nabulator MONO_COL Based Honk Kapdin neyoru verniy_ Milky Pan Daz4 Dave (Canberra) Stern Nate General NBCrescendo NDimensional Miu Mekki jabberjawse GWen omnoia yunoasumi Pokev Banelings ILLUMINATY_LOKO Ugge _69 Rai riler vstar992 taeman Lordcharlie Wister oyako Cxxxx feligs MlemGoober ddrulox Decoy IrisQuasar maybe W1LL_1_AM ganbatte arcwil nerdnim Giannis Antetokounmpo mrtong96 Snoman tomnobar Tetaes Jose_Varela Julichan deformed yyao alxbl Kiet tiredsheep




    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 4915 EXP
    • 405 Gold
    • ?????? Title


    zk recently purchased a pig farm, but he's in a spot of trouble, as the pigs have all gained sentience and started an uprising. He could use some help with quelling it!


    • ??????


    • 222 EXP
    • 12 BB
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    flip zkldi DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk DdRDan nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr CJPetey Zankoku Rarily Janus5k Dispolca atomcat SirDelins Sapphron No Rescores titandude21 kelly_kato Borisaur Fietsemaker peaceduke airplane CERiNG Akroma Exschwasion turn up dlim patj Chabala erictran0 Chance R. mkwiiallpro aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG Zarzob Litter* Sal! Amoo Perusal JOKR Paige RootReducer Dingoshi BigYama JJK EmanSaur Poncho10017:) jeshusha1 NERO COME PALOMITAS PE MediocreOmen Kyy Rawinput Keekee Fanatik25 killuastep mattm valgrind Nebel Zylos DarthkiraMX Cozy hk HOT TO GO! LFK Xynn djfipu Toraie Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy callmisoko DogsPlan help wrsw midtown N64 mang Bran LunaMail StefXFN hollow iGoCollege ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft PaaT aye byron PinkDad Tristan97 Griever Yani SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol J13Rstyle Caji123 Steve_V Evertree Blondazz Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Zepherino Formless Kommisar Ambisinister Just A Space Cowboy Nao Hikari Peli abbeycat Lazorcat ZarinahBBM ontonieneosas Biala emowo CEXX LeBlusz Donza Atti eigo wakaranai AgentAttorney Mau xancara No Key Scores typobox !ElCaMiX! som1sezhi Alextrebek Narwhal Prime arol Sereni nvanleerdrums wolfxalienware NekoMithos Kyle Wards Lawyer xiaowuc1 luna2108 DarkShibara Shoe RPG Squeens Silver Fox bex SanHelbert Eleftheria Jh0nh3v3rth arx Konegaru pizzaconpinia PerfectTaste ZoG- Axor Coppa t3a Renbrandt SUFRTHRU Wash the turtle beqa Jerros pepp2 DeltaMachine nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc Koffee Giammyroquai Summi Lisek Meta-link formi Korzei Madkurre Koral HeeroJay COLLETnm7 KlineFGC tum sirex Robbumon Appe MegaSphere Dsongi LuckJury ICTtoken jck!! PATTTTTT glitchbear HeavyModeYT dashark topet DF.freyja Bakandrev Croneus Ayaka Behy HATSU nico Elixir of Silence Fieoner AMBONES eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth Blizzrdball TUTO plasmaaa plasmaaa no bar Nardu Shpadoinkle Sprzedajniok SleepBAAA Eupnea BreakfastPM aryla Vexi Puddi B3NS3X ozurisa1803 wsupden ok Maxx-Storm gaboitg Kirika frank_gaming DarkFyzx SleepyDragon trueblue410 slowunsteady 19742bytes takumiAE86 ITGRyan LEISHEN. CrackedCaptain pifpaf Badjas Paul_P xMez Tatsh_GTO! caruku Smalls JONBUDDY F10W Aldarole Jake B Lugea Camdenr pinklo pepsichan69 Chocol@inMatt Maru96 IUYK. lafv54 Mango pinkloon Vain Pixel daddy zexyu Rust ITG caleb2656 werdwerdus Chi_Ponyo DerpyPengu Bird pogofcz kittyhawkcontrail LEO2DX cloverwolf stormpegy Staphf Faker13 Uberjudgement rawblink Killuas Skateboard XeaLouS Terochi DanielsanX4A San19 pou buntata MikyDDR Pushmataha SSmantis MONO_COL Kapdin neyoru verniy_ Doublegambler Milky Pan Dave (Canberra) KevinDGAF Nate General supremeJD HappyLaborDay Miu Simred GWen leadkite Loak Roscoejustros Pokev K*- ElPapaCosmico Banelings _69 Rai Wister MY BRAND oyako finncaev Cxxxx MlemGoober Lilo Landa KonnorLetterBee janitor maybe LAPIS W1LL_1_AM ipie4fun VOXR* Rythmik ganbatte Catz mrtong96 StarKid! tomnobar deformed yyao alxbl Kiet


    Abandon all hope, ye who enter the inferno-- even with Xynn as your guide, your chances of surviving are slim. However, surely if you succeed, you'll be well rewarded...?


    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 39497 EXP
    • ?????? Title


    Rumors abound of ancient aliens that landed in Arrownia long ago. Is there any truth to these stories, or is it just nonsense?


    • ??????


    • 227 EXP
    • 12 Gold
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    flip DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk DdRDan nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr Hewhoamareismyself CJPetey TheManwich Zankoku Dispolca atomcat SirDelins Sapphron titandude21 kelly_kato peaceduke CERiNG Akroma dlim Chabala erictran0 Chance R. Valex aminuteawayx HURG Zarzob Sal! Amoo Perusal JOKR Paige Dingoshi JJK EmanSaur jeshusha1 Kyy Rawinput Fanatik25 killuastep Nebel Zylos Cozy hk HOT TO GO! Kigha LFK Xynn Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy callmisoko help midtown mang Bran StefXFN hollow Steve From Minecraft byron Tristan97 Yani SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol Caji123 Steve_V Evertree Blondazz Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Kommisar Ambisinister Just A Space Cowboy Nao Hikari abbeycat Lazorcat Biala emowo CEXX Donza Atti xancara No Key Scores som1sezhi arol Sereni nvanleerdrums xiaowuc1 luna2108 SanHelbert Eleftheria arx Konegaru pizzaconpinia PerfectTaste ZoG- Coppa Renbrandt SUFRTHRU beqa Jerros MistyGriotte Tuuc Koffee Summi Lisek Meta-link Korzei COLLETnm7 tum Appe MegaSphere Dsongi ICTtoken jck!! PATTTTTT glitchbear yoonjelly dashark topet DF.freyja TMONEY HATSU nico Elixir of Silence Fieoner eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth takatzu48 TUTO plasmaaa no bar Nardu Sprzedajniok Wafles Eupnea aryla Vexi Puddi hegza ozurisa1803 pinguu wsupden gaboitg Kirika frank_gaming SleepyDragon slowunsteady CLINTBEASTWOOD 19742bytes takumiAE86 ITGRyan CrackedCaptain Badjas Paul_P xMez caruku Aldarole Jake B Mike458 Frantalicious Camdenr pepsichan69 Chocol@inMatt Hey Bud lafv54 Mango DerpyPengu Bird pogofcz kittyhawkcontrail Fractal Faker13 Uberjudgement XeaLouS pou MikyDDR SSmantis MONO_COL Kapdin neyoru verniy_ Pan Daz4 Dave (Canberra) Nate General NDimensional Miu Mekki jabberjawse Pokev ILLUMINATY_LOKO _69 taeman Wister oyako Cxxxx feligs Decoy maybe mrtong96 tomnobar Jose_Varela alxbl


    Recently, some large dragons have been using their magic to create massive storms. Stop them before they can mess up any more weather forecasts!


    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 5023 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????




    • ??????


    • 12975 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????




    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 12202 EXP
    • 627 Gold
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????


    In a threatening voice heard throughout much of the western reaches of the Stamina Nation, a challenge has been issued: I WISH TO FACE THE GREATEST OF STAMINADVENTURERS IN SOLO COMBAT. But how does one prove that they are the greatest...?


    • ??????


    • 227 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    flip zkldi DanPeriod MaruDeHabanero Some Rescores NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk nihongo wakaranai Lotarr TheManwich Zankoku Rarily Dispolca atomcat SirDelins Sapphron Urza titandude21 kelly_kato Borisaur peaceduke airplane CERiNG Akroma obesity102 turn up UVCat JaceITG Synthromancy MINGW64 erictran0 Chance R. aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG Beremy Amoo Telperion Perusal JOKR Paige Dingoshi JJK EmanSaur MediocreOmen Kyy Keekee Fanatik25 mattm Nebel Zylos DarthkiraMX hk HOT TO GO! LFK Xynn Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy callmisoko help mang Donovan StefXFN hollow ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft aye byron dom no bar Tristan97 catnip Caji123 Steve_V Idontevenknowyou! Furious_Dan ontonieneosas emowo Donza _CONTROL Atti eigo wakaranai No Key Scores som1sezhi Narwhal Prime arol Sereni nvanleerdrums NekoMithos xiaowuc1 spbsuitmo Konegaru pizzaconpinia PerfectTaste kfiri Coppa Renbrandt MaxPainNL Wash the turtle HannahPadd beqa Jerros MistyGriotte Tuuc KlineFGC tum Robbumon ICTtoken itgaz dashark DF.freyja HATSU nico Fieoner yog sothoth Many Rescores Meogu Sprzedajniok SleepBAAA Eupnea aryla Hasse Vexi ok Maxx-Storm Electromuis jqtran CrackedCaptain xMez pepsichan69 Mango pinkloon @@ Rust ITG werdwerdus Chi_Ponyo DerpyPengu Rafunk Bird pogofcz stormpegy Faker13 pou Stefe MikyDDR SSmantis MONO_COL Kapdin neyoru verniy_ Pan Dave (Canberra) General NBCrescendo kiko supremeJD jabberjawse GWen leadkite Roscoejustros Pokev maboesanman DillThePill08 JonzaPaws taeman Wister mbo Raijin29a6 ipie4fun Jarem24 nerdnim PikaGEMER Giannis Antetokounmpo lesbianswordfighting tomnobar deformed yyao alxbl


    A deadly Sharpnel monster-variant was spotted along the delta of the River Streamz, near East Coast Seattle, seemingly having crossed over from the Footspeed Empire. The fact that it's a juvenile has raised concerns that something more dangerous might be lurking nearby-- its parent, perhaps.


    • ??????


    • 31288 EXP
    • 864 Gold
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????




    • ??????


    • 233 EXP
    • 12 BB
    • ?????? Title
    flip zkldi DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero Some Rescores NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr CJPetey Zankoku Rarily Dispolca atomcat SirDelins IcyCold Sapphron No Rescores titandude21 kelly_kato peaceduke CERiNG Akroma turn up dlim patj JaceITG MINGW64 Chabala erictran0 Chance R. aminuteawayx HURG Max Forever Zarzob Sal! Amoo Telperion JOKR Paige RootReducer JJK Poncho10017:) NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Kyy Keekee Fanatik25 killuastep Nebel Cozy hk HOT TO GO! LFK Xynn Hubert Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy Mc_Joe help Geff midtown mang Donovan Bran StefXFN hollow iGoCollege Steve From Minecraft aye byron dom no bar Tristan97 Griever SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol Caji123 Steve_V Evertree Idontevenknowyou! Furious_Dan Kommisar Ambisinister Just A Space Cowboy Yeyeito Nao Hikari Rudeshadow Lazorcat Biala emowo CEXX Donza _CONTROL Atti eigo wakaranai Mau No Key Scores Narwhal Prime arol Sereni Shoe RPG Squeens SanHelbert arx ddrneel pizzaconpinia PerfectTaste ZoG- Coppa Renbrandt beqa Jerros nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc Lisek tum Appe MegaSphere ICTtoken jck!! dashark DF.freyja nico Fieoner AMBONES eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth takatzu48 FabSab44 Puddi hegza pinguu wsupden Senture Lovesick Loop CrackedCaptain Badjas Paul_P Tatsh_GTO! Jake B Camdenr Chocol@inMatt Maru96 Hey Bud Mango NoixXx kcamper92 Bird Kriss Faker13 Uberjudgement Killuas Skateboard jerryjurr ADAMV3 pou MikyDDR neyoru verniy_ Pan Dave (Canberra) Mekki ILLUMINATY_LOKO Ugge Wister maybe ganbatte mrtong96 Julichan Kiet tiredsheep
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Okay, zaniel has 9 verses in the year 8 ABP. They can't all be about him not getting a point, that'd be way too much. We'll save that for book 2.

    zaniel 1 is the tale of how zaniel found his junts.

    In his younger days, zaniel was a scrappy entrepreneur. He opened a candystand, which had trouble generating profit. zaniel, not one to idly sit by and watch his business fail, spent his off-hours experimenting with as many candy recipes he could get his hands on. "If only I could make the best candy in town", he thought, "then I'd be rolling in gold."


    • Pass anything rated 16 or higher in the 200 BPM Speed Tier


    • 2461 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    One morning he came across a recipe that had an ingredient he hadn't heard of. He whispered the words, letting each word linger, "Leaf of limeboiler".

    "Where can I get that?" he thought as he shook his head, closing the book. Luckily for this story's pacing, a worn piece of paper fell out of the book and landed on his lap. Bemused, he scanned the paper. It was a handwritten map from his town to a nearby cave, with the label "limeboiler" and a smudged out sentence next to it. zaniel could only make out the words "prepare for..."

    zaniel was elated. The cave was only about an hour walk away, so all he needed to do was prepare, and he could be back before nightfall to make the recipe! So he grabbed his lantern, some lunch, the map, and made his way to the cave.


    • Pass anything rated 17 or higher in the 200 BPM Speed Tier


    • 5099 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    zaniel easily found the cave. The opening was about 20 meters wide, and vegetation seemed to avoid the entrance. He wondered if a plant could even grow in there. He took a moment, lit his lantern, and walked inside.

    He followed the path carved out by the cave. The cave was barren. Occasionally he'd see a spider fleeing the light of his lantern, but the majority of what he saw was rocks. Rocks in about three different shades of gray, which became more distinct as he ventured deeper into the cave.

    After about ten minutes of walking, his path was blocked by a membranous pink wall. The wall was covered in what appeared to be dozens of head-sized bubbles, all linked together. zaniel tried to push his way through the wall; it bent but it wouldn't give. He tried to squeeze the bubbles with his hands, but they wouldn't pop. He sat for a moment to decide his next strategy before he was jolted from his thoughts by a low, rumbling noise. zaniel froze. "Did this wall just say something?"


    • Pass anything rated 18 or higher in the 200 BPM Speed Tier


    • 5039 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    zaniel waited as still as he could be for the noise to return. After a few moments he heard the rumbling again.

    "You cannot pass," vibrated the wall, slowly.

    "I am only looking for limeboiler, can you please let me pass? I can give you some of my food!" bargained zaniel.

    "No" replied the wall.

    "Well, what if I hit you until you break? How about that?" zaniel yelled while throwing punches into the wall.

    The wall laughed. "We are not afraid. You cannot pop us, because you do not have a point."


    • Pass anything rated 19 or higher in the 200 BPM Speed Tier


    • 8672 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    When zaniel first attempted to get the point.....

    The highest slain monster was level 30. These days, staminadventurers have developed the skills to slay level 42-- maybe even 43-- monsters! That's at least 12 levels of progress! Meanwhile, zaniel, well... he's made... zaniel's made no levels of progress! Also amazing, but for different reasons!


    • Pass anything rated 17 or higher in the 210 BPM Speed Tier


    • 4895 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    When zaniel first attempted to get the point.....

    There were rumours of espionage from the Democratic People's Republic of Timing. Some sort of secret agent. However, like zaniel's journey to obtain the point, there was no hard evidence of his existence...


    • Pass anything rated 18 or higher in the 210 BPM Speed Tier


    • 5209 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    When zaniel first attempted to get the point.....

    Memepeace had just been founded, way before they finished their work reestablishing the Footspeed Empire. Could you imagine how many points were obtained while reconstructing an entire empire? Thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Millions? There must have been endless opportunities to carve out a hefty sum of points for the members of Memepeace. Honestly, they probably got tired of having so many points around. If I were there I would have given mine away!


    • Pass anything rated 19 or higher in the 210 BPM Speed Tier


    • 9440 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    When zaniel first attempted to get the point.....

    A level 12 monster was 54 total measures of 135. This is still the case, as is zaniel's lack of points.


    • Pass anything rated 20 or higher in the 210 BPM Speed Tier


    • 8350 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to StoryTime. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 19 or higher in the 220 BPM Speed Tier


    • 9464 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 4 of the Fofspel according to StoryTime. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 20 or higher in the 220 BPM Speed Tier


    • 9410 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 5 of the Fofspel according to StoryTime. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 21 or higher in the 220 BPM Speed Tier


    • 14224 EXP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to StoryTime. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 19 or higher in the 230 BPM Speed Tier


    • 9625 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to StoryTime. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 20 or higher in the 230 BPM Speed Tier


    • 8610 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 4 of the Fofspel according to StoryTime. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 21 or higher in the 230 BPM Speed Tier


    • 13574 EXP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 5 of the Fofspel according to StoryTime. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 22 or higher in the 230 BPM Speed Tier


    • 11886 EXP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to dirtypiece. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 19 or higher in the 240 BPM Speed Tier


    • 8057 EXP
    • 1923 JP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to dirtypiece. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 20 or higher in the 240 BPM Speed Tier


    • 8006 EXP
    • 1890 JP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to dirtypiece. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 21 or higher in the 240 BPM Speed Tier


    • 13280 EXP
    • 16767 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 4 of the Fofspel according to dirtypiece. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 22 or higher in the 240 BPM Speed Tier


    • 12919 EXP
    • 16316 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 5 of the Fofspel according to dirtypiece. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 23 or higher in the 240 BPM Speed Tier


    • 21396 EXP
    • 31672 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to dirtypiece. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 20 or higher in the 250 BPM Speed Tier


    • 9755 EXP
    • 1877 JP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to dirtypiece. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 21 or higher in the 250 BPM Speed Tier


    • 12529 EXP
    • 16769 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to dirtypiece. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 22 or higher in the 250 BPM Speed Tier


    • 13483 EXP
    • 16886 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 4 of the Fofspel according to dirtypiece. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 23 or higher in the 250 BPM Speed Tier


    • 20226 EXP
    • 32527 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 5 of the Fofspel according to dirtypiece. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 24 or higher in the 250 BPM Speed Tier


    • 19906 EXP
    • 31728 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to The Cosmic Pope. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 21 or higher in the 260 BPM Speed Tier


    • 13662 EXP
    • 16624 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to The Cosmic Pope. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 23 or higher in the 260 BPM Speed Tier


    • 21084 EXP
    • 31631 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to The Cosmic Pope. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 24 or higher in the 260 BPM Speed Tier


    • 20829 EXP
    • 31055 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 4 of the Fofspel according to The Cosmic Pope. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 25 or higher in the 260 BPM Speed Tier


    • 32655 EXP
    • 59815 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to The Cosmic Pope. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 22 or higher in the 270 BPM Speed Tier


    • 13403 EXP
    • 16477 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to The Cosmic Pope. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 23 or higher in the 270 BPM Speed Tier


    • 20470 EXP
    • 31782 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to The Cosmic Pope. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 24 or higher in the 270 BPM Speed Tier


    • 22641 EXP
    • 31666 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 4 of the Fofspel according to The Cosmic Pope. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 25 or higher in the 270 BPM Speed Tier


    • 37499 EXP
    • 56813 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 5 of the Fofspel according to The Cosmic Pope. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 26 or higher in the 270 BPM Speed Tier


    • 29554 EXP
    • 58756 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to Pezede. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 23 or higher in the 280 BPM Speed Tier


    • 23328 EXP
    • 32054 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to Pezede. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 24 or higher in the 280 BPM Speed Tier


    • 19782 EXP
    • 30947 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to Pezede. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 25 or higher in the 280 BPM Speed Tier


    • 33127 EXP
    • 56873 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 4 of the Fofspel according to Pezede. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 26 or higher in the 280 BPM Speed Tier


    • 33984 EXP
    • 55512 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 5 of the Fofspel according to Pezede. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 27 or higher in the 280 BPM Speed Tier


    • 55335 EXP
    • 130011 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to Pezede. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 24 or higher in the 290 BPM Speed Tier


    • 24459 EXP
    • 32370 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to Pezede. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 25 or higher in the 290 BPM Speed Tier


    • 30022 EXP
    • 57560 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to Pezede. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 26 or higher in the 290 BPM Speed Tier


    • 30540 EXP
    • 58902 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 4 of the Fofspel according to Pezede. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 27 or higher in the 290 BPM Speed Tier


    • 55013 EXP
    • 134294 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 5 of the Fofspel according to Pezede. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 28 or higher in the 290 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54697 EXP
    • 128826 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Today on a bridge over the wintery land of Freljord, Zaia had a massive feat of heroism that to this day, has never been repeated by anyone else. While his comrades watched, he was able to successfully catapult himself towards his enemy, causing his enemy commander to launch him even further into the range of his army. While in this advantageous position, he was able to take out 3/5s of the enemy army from the shadows, unable to be taken down himself. When reached for comment, all he had to say was "good clip".


    • Pass anything rated 25 or higher in the 300 BPM Speed Tier


    • 33055 EXP
    • 57581 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Another day, another feat of heroism from Zaia. Today, in the middle of a brutal fight between his army and the enemy combatants, he was able to confirm a much needed kill in order to turn the tides of battle towards their favor. Because of this important kill, him and his army were successfully able to take the enemy's stronghold, clutching a much needed victory. When his allies were reached for comment, they said, "wtf ks".


    • Pass anything rated 27 or higher in the 300 BPM Speed Tier


    • 53945 EXP
    • 130647 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Dear Memepeace Chronicles reader, our dear Zaia has another update from the frontlines in Freljord. Today, he courageously led the charge into battle with a bomb strapped to him, and was able to take down one last enemy combatant, while making it out alive. While some may watch the war footage back and say "the game was already over", I think that all of us would agree that Zaia was armed and ready!


    • Pass anything rated 28 or higher in the 300 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54927 EXP
    • 133179 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Dear summoners of the Footspeed Empire, today we have a rather humorous tale from Zaia's excursion to Runeterra. An enemy on the other side, a mechanical man with a Go-Go Gadget Fist, had attempted to grab and take down our dear Zaia. However, unbeknownst to him, he was just in range for Zaia to unleash a hellish ultimate ability in his arsenal on him, slaughtering him on the spot. When reached for comment, Zaia had this to say: "Even now, your loved ones suffer!"


    • Pass anything rated 26 or higher in the 310 BPM Speed Tier


    • 38940 EXP
    • 59549 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Dear readers, today we have a heartwarming tale from the frontlines. While Summoner Zaia was having a cordial talk with his teammates, he had noticed an icy witch attempting to break up their party! Knowing that this uncouth behavior could not stand, he took a higher moral ground. As this "Lissandra" descended upon him, he simply gave her a small tap on the face with his hammer, reminding her that it is very rude to try to interrupt a party, even on the frozen bridge. Lissandra quickly retreated back to her own base, humiliated, only being able to watch from a grey screen.


    • Pass anything rated 27 or higher in the 310 BPM Speed Tier


    • 55059 EXP
    • 138029 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Today on the frozen fields of The Abyss, Zaia was able to help secure victory, with very little help from his own teammates. While some of them, including a VERY short mage were busy trying to focus on wiping out the enemy numbers as quickly as possible, Zaia knew that there was more at stake. The short one kept asking for assistance, but dear viewers you should know by now that a confirmed kill is not "an objective", and that victory is only a short way away. When reached for comment, Veigar had this to say: "'It's only a short way? Is that a short joke?!"


    • Pass anything rated 28 or higher in the 310 BPM Speed Tier


    • 55312 EXP
    • 132012 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    You may not be convinced of Zaia's prowess on the cold battlefields of the Howling Abyss, but a quick search will prove you wrong: He is in the top 0.1% of summoners worldwide for being a taking down his enemies within 13 minutes, he is better than 99.9% of summoners worldwide for skillfully dodging their Skillful Shots, and he has hit more Skillful Shots than 99.9% of others on the abyss. He is truly a force to be reckoned with, at least 49% of the time.


    • Pass anything rated 29 or higher in the 310 BPM Speed Tier


    • 55260 EXP
    • 137849 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to Redzone. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 27 or higher in the 320 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54977 EXP
    • 133666 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to Redzone. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 28 or higher in the 320 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54359 EXP
    • 136860 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to Redzone. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 29 or higher in the 320 BPM Speed Tier


    • 55080 EXP
    • 135384 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 4 of the Fofspel according to Redzone. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 30 or higher in the 320 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54959 EXP
    • 136957 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to Redzone. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 28 or higher in the 330 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54841 EXP
    • 137424 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to Redzone. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 29 or higher in the 330 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54600 EXP
    • 138611 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to Redzone. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 30 or higher in the 330 BPM Speed Tier


    • 53895 EXP
    • 141690 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 4 of the Fofspel according to Redzone. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 31 or higher in the 330 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54440 EXP
    • 139097 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to beremy. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 30 or higher in the 340 BPM Speed Tier


    • 55274 EXP
    • 139662 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to beremy. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 31 or higher in the 340 BPM Speed Tier


    • 55158 EXP
    • 136226 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to beremy. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 32 or higher in the 340 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54309 EXP
    • 133771 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to beremy. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 31 or higher in the 350 BPM Speed Tier


    • 55005 EXP
    • 133757 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to beremy. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 32 or higher in the 350 BPM Speed Tier


    • 53941 EXP
    • 138605 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to beremy. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 33 or higher in the 350 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54258 EXP
    • 139668 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to Box. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 33 or higher in the 360 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54239 EXP
    • 136117 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to Box. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 34 or higher in the 360 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54139 EXP
    • 129972 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to Box. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 33 or higher in the 370 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54193 EXP
    • 133274 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to Box. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 34 or higher in the 370 BPM Speed Tier


    • 53946 EXP
    • 139765 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to Box. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 35 or higher in the 370 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54784 EXP
    • 130961 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to YourVinished. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 34 or higher in the 380 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54215 EXP
    • 136082 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to YourVinished. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 35 or higher in the 380 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54792 EXP
    • 137666 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to YourVinished. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 36 or higher in the 380 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54278 EXP
    • 129353 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to YourVinished. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 35 or higher in the 390 BPM Speed Tier


    • 55282 EXP
    • 139481 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to YourVinished. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 36 or higher in the 390 BPM Speed Tier


    • 55306 EXP
    • 135700 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to YourVinished. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 37 or higher in the 390 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54882 EXP
    • 139879 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    In the beginning Nabisco created the cookie and the cream. And Nabisco said, let there be Oreo, and there was Oreo, and it was singular.


    • Pass anything rated 36 or higher in the 400 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54991 EXP
    • 135097 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Tiganiphobia: Ah, pots and pans!


    • Pass anything rated 37 or higher in the 400 BPM Speed Tier


    • 55004 EXP
    • 133451 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Up, Down, Aoreo, Right, A, Start.


    • Pass anything rated 38 or higher in the 400 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54755 EXP
    • 135822 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    In September of 2010, Aoreo mathematically proved that (wtf) 2 is more irrational than √2.


    • Pass anything rated 37 or higher in the 410 BPM Speed Tier


    • 53965 EXP
    • 128700 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Feast Aoreo Feast


    • Pass anything rated 38 or higher in the 410 BPM Speed Tier


    • 53934 EXP
    • 133517 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Don't say Jom on an airplane...


    • Pass anything rated 39 or higher in the 410 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54227 EXP
    • 130422 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to Cyx. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 38 or higher in the 420 BPM Speed Tier


    • 53863 EXP
    • 132239 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to Cyx. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 39 or higher in the 420 BPM Speed Tier


    • 55048 EXP
    • 129549 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to Cyx. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 40 or higher in the 420 BPM Speed Tier


    • 53965 EXP
    • 139295 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to Cyx. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 39 or higher in the 430 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54547 EXP
    • 129210 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to Cyx. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 40 or higher in the 430 BPM Speed Tier


    • 55262 EXP
    • 134535 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to Cyx. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 41 or higher in the 430 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54716 EXP
    • 139070 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to yuzu. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 40 or higher in the 440 BPM Speed Tier


    • 53918 EXP
    • 130730 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 2 of the Fofspel according to yuzu. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 41 or higher in the 440 BPM Speed Tier


    • 53907 EXP
    • 136920 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 3 of the Fofspel according to yuzu. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 42 or higher in the 440 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54845 EXP
    • 129479 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to Levitas. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 41 or higher in the 450 BPM Speed Tier


    • 54619 EXP
    • 138167 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 2, verse 1 of the Fofspel according to Levitas. It's blank.


    • Pass anything rated 42 or higher in the 460 BPM Speed Tier


    • 55274 EXP
    • 141176 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ??????


    Bran is looking for someone that can dig up his potatoes, since with his level of accuracy, he refuses to be associated with anything that resembles potatoing. Obviously, they're uh, underground, and he needs someone with a deft hand that can avoid mutilating them. Are you up to the challenge?


    • ??????


    • 2541 EXP
    • 797 Gold
    • 7 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    DanPeriod Archi PkGam Zeipher_Hawk nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr Zankoku Rarily Janus5k Dispolca atomcat IcyCold Sapphron titandude21 Fietsemaker CERiNG Exschwasion dlim patj Chabala erictran0 Chance R. Valex DTF.cmmf Zarzob Sal! Telperion JOKR RootReducer JJK EmanSaur Poncho10017:) jeshusha1 NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Pocho Fanatik25 killuastep valgrind Nebel Cozy Kigha LFK kenji- Xynn Highflyer Hubert djfipu Toraie Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy Mc_Joe DogsPlan wrsw Geff midtown mang Bran LunaMail iGoCollege Steve From Minecraft PaaT byron Griever Yani SebaZzZz_TCOL J13Rstyle Caji123 Steve_V Evertree Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Zepherino Kommisar Ambisinister dimo Nao Hikari abbeycat Lazorcat ontonieneosas Biala CEXX Atti AgentAttorney Hunter Mau trescal xancara No Key Scores NicholasNRG M.G nvanleerdrums wolfxalienware NekoMithos xiaowuc1 luna2108 Silver Fox SanHelbert ForkySpoon arx ddrneel Viper PerfectTaste ZoG- Axor t3a SUFRTHRU beqa Jerros nebbii MistyGriotte Koffee Giammyroquai Lisek Koral COLLETnm7 sirex DDDAAA Appe MegaSphere oza180 X!! Dsongi jck!! PATTTTTT glitchbear yoonjelly HeavyModeYT dashark topet DF.freyja Dielawn316 TMONEY Behy nico Elixir of Silence AMBONES DRON takatzu48 rogerclark BSENSS6 Blizzrdball Darkstar TUTO Nardu Shpadoinkle Wafles SleepBAAA WAY2022 Puddi B3NS3X Nato shoopa EdgrMx Maxx-Storm gaboitg ManBearPeon twang Tonester DarkFyzx Megaman X3 SleepyDragon trueblue410 Sonjax CLINTBEASTWOOD 19742bytes takumiAE86 ITGRyan Badjas Paul_P Tatsh_GTO! Smalls F10W XjojoX pinklo Chocol@inMatt diablos Maru96 bles48 Mango pinkloon SRH* rrwoods daddy zexyu kcamper92 Fractal Faker13 DanielsanX4A AzleKayn MikyDDR Pushmataha MONO_COL neyoru verniy_ sumikk0 Pan Daz4 KevinDGAF Nate NBCrescendo Miu TommyDoesntMiss K*- ElPapaCosmico Banelings marcam Gpop _69 Rai vstar992 Wister MY BRAND finncaev yyr Judicium Nemesis Lilo Landa KonnorLetterBee maybe LAPIS VOXR* newtim ganbatte Catz Julichan Kyroke


    The TPA is looking for accurate staminadventurers who can collect some tears from a rare breed of monster. Obviously, they can't trust the work with someone who'll just butcher the creatures haphazardly, so if you're going to attempt this one, you're gonna need to be somewhat precise.


    • ??????


    • 4867 EXP
    • 1200 Gold
    • 9 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????




    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 8833 EXP
    • 1516 Gold
    • 18 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    The Godfather is seeking accurate staminadventurers to help him track down some invasive monsters that slipped over the border into the DPRT from the Stamina Nation. He notes they'll be trickier than monsters from the south, but longer than monsters from the north, so you'll need a wider range of skills to help deal with them.


    • ??????


    • 4818 EXP
    • 1183 Gold
    • 9 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    A strange, faded group of clouds recently appeared in the skies of the eastern region of the DPRT, and there've been reports of humanoid robots appearing and wreaking havoc. The TPA is looking for someone skillful who can help dismantle them before there are any more fatalities.


    • ??????


    • 5296 EXP
    • 1191 Gold
    • 9 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    Recently, zaniel got scammed into thinking that if he can recover and process the corpse of a particular monster, the next time he attempts to get The Point, he'll be able to do so with an 'extra life'-- whatever that means. Still, he's offering a reward, so why not? Oh, he did mention you'll need to be careful not to damage it, though, so this is a job requiring some precision.


    • ??????


    • 8585 EXP
    • 1479 Gold
    • 18 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????




    • ??????


    • 9011 EXP
    • 1473 Gold
    • 18 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????


    Chance really, REALLY wants to watch someone get beat up by a Camellia monster. If you're willing to entertain him, there's a reward in it for you.


    • ??????


    • 36141 EXP
    • 2464 Gold
    • 24 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    The TPA has located a rare holy attribute beast, and anyone with reasonable accuracy who can capture and deliver it to them will be compensated with gold and the location of another type of rare game.


    • ??????


    • 23618 EXP
    • 2157 Gold
    • 20 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    There is a reward available from the TPA for staminadventurers who are able to slay twenty-five monsters with a 96 or higher.


    • Pass any twenty-five charts with a 96% or higher


    • 2402 EXP
    • 813 Gold
    • 7 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    If you can beat ten monsters with a 98, the TPA has a reward that you can claim.


    • Pass any ten charts with a 98% or higher


    • 2542 EXP
    • 806 Gold
    • 7 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????


    • 19995 EXP
    • 2238 BB
    • 12 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 4888 EXP
    • 1076 BB
    • 6 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????


    • 14290 EXP
    • 1834 BB
    • 9 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????


    • 5301 EXP
    • 1097 BB
    • 6 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????


    • 8751 EXP
    • 1436 BB
    • 8 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????


    • 27359 EXP
    • 2644 BB
    • 19 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????


    • 39035 EXP
    • 2646 BB
    • 19 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????


    • 54675 EXP
    • 2969 BB
    • 25 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????


    • 54688 EXP
    • 2981 BB
    • 25 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????


    • 54607 EXP
    • 3035 BB
    • 25 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????


    • 13191 EXP
    • 1782 BB
    • 9 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????


    • 23463 EXP
    • 2177 BB
    • 12 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????


    • 55278 EXP
    • 2847 BB
    • 25 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    The Stamina Corps has gotten their hands on a cache of powerful time-based relics that could turn the tide of battle for staminadventurers in their upcoming battles. Because they've only acquired a limited number of these relics, though, they're only offering them to those who manage to take down at least one marathon beast.


    • Pass any marathon chart


    • 233 EXP
    • 41 BB
    • 4 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    flip DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero Some Rescores NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr Hewhoamareismyself CJPetey TheManwich Zankoku Rarily Dispolca atomcat SirDelins Sapphron Urza titandude21 kelly_kato Borisaur peaceduke CERiNG Akroma Exschwasion UVCat dlim patj JaceITG Synthromancy MINGW64 Chabala erictran0 Chance R. aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG Zarzob Sal! Amoo Telperion Perusal JOKR Paige RootReducer Dingoshi JJK EmanSaur Poncho10017:) jeshusha1 NERO COME PALOMITAS PE MediocreOmen Kyy Fanatik25 mattm Nebel Zylos Cozy hk HOT TO GO! LFK Xynn lolipo djfipu Toraie Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy callmisoko DogsPlan help Geff midtown mang Donovan LunaMail StefXFN hollow iGoCollege ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft PaaT aye byron dom no bar PinkDad Tristan97 Adamskull catnip Griever Yani Adol Caji123 Steve_V Evertree Blondazz Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Zepherino Kommisar Ambisinister Foulu458 Just A Space Cowboy dimo Yeyeito Nao Hikari Rudeshadow Peli abbeycat Lazorcat feedbacker ontonieneosas Biala emowo CEXX LeBlusz Donza SANDRIXS Atti eigo wakaranai trescal xancara No Key Scores !ElCaMiX! som1sezhi Alextrebek Narwhal Prime arol Sereni nvanleerdrums wolfxalienware NekoMithos xiaowuc1 luna2108 Silver Fox spbsuitmo SanHelbert Eleftheria arx Konegaru ddrneel pizzaconpinia gomusou PerfectTaste ZoG- Axor Coppa t3a Renbrandt SUFRTHRU Wash the turtle beqa Jerros nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc Giammyroquai Summi Lisek Meta-link formi Korzei Madkurre COLLETnm7 KlineFGC tum Tina_otoge sirex Appe MegaSphere Dsongi LuckJury ICTtoken jck!! PATTTTTT glitchbear itgaz yoonjelly dashark topet DF.freyja Dielawn316 Croneus Ayaka HATSU nico Elixir of Silence eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth takatzu48 Blizzrdball FabSab44 Nardu Shpadoinkle Meogu Sprzedajniok Wafles SleepBAAA Eupnea aryla Vexi Puddi PenguinLord hegza pinguu Nato wsupden ok gaboitg DarkFyzx SleepyDragon trueblue410 AGreenRupee slowunsteady Sonjax 19742bytes takumiAE86 ITGRyan Teruna Badjas Paul_P xMez Meili Tatsh_GTO! caruku Smalls F10W Jake B Lugea Mike458 Camdenr Chocol@inMatt autumn!! Mango daddy zexyu NoixXx CK89REY Rust ITG werdwerdus kcamper92 Chi_Ponyo DerpyPengu Jejo93 Bird pogofcz kittyhawkcontrail DF.LemmingOnTheRun LEO2DX cloverwolf Faker13 Uberjudgement Kbjr XeaLouS Terochi kidcrab ADAMV3 fastboy pou buntata freddy15204 MikyDDR MONO_COL Kapdin verniy_ Milky Pan Dave (Canberra) Nate NBCrescendo Mekki GWen omnoia yunoasumi Pokev Zivie87 Banelings ILLUMINATY_LOKO DillThePill08 _69 Rai vstar992 taeman Lordcharlie Wister solrbear oyako Cxxxx MlemGoober ddrulox Decoy maybe mrtong96 tomnobar deformed yyao alxbl


    The Stamina Corps is rewarding new staminadventurers with a beginner's relic for those who manage to demonstrate mastery over 11-block monsters.


    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 236 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    flip DanPeriod Archi NinjaNabi PkGam Zeipher_Hawk DdRDan Lotarr Zankoku Rarily Dispolca atomcat SirDelins Sapphron titandude21 kelly_kato Borisaur peaceduke CERiNG Akroma Chabala erictran0 Chance R. aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG Zarzob Sal! Amoo JOKR Paige EmanSaur Poncho10017:) MediocreOmen Kyy Rawinput Fanatik25 Nebel Zylos DarthkiraMX Cozy hk HOT TO GO! LFK Xynn djfipu Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy help wrsw midtown mang Bran LunaMail StefXFN iGoCollege ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft byron Tristan97 Griever Yani SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol Steve_V Evertree Blondazz drillbot Furious_Dan Zepherino Kommisar Ambisinister Just A Space Cowboy Nao Hikari abbeycat Lazorcat ontonieneosas Biala emowo CEXX Donza Atti xancara No Key Scores som1sezhi Alextrebek Narwhal Prime arol nvanleerdrums wolfxalienware xiaowuc1 luna2108 Silver Fox SanHelbert Eleftheria arx Konegaru pizzaconpinia PerfectTaste ZoG- Axor Coppa t3a Renbrandt SUFRTHRU Wash the turtle beqa Jerros pepp2 nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc Koffee Lisek Meta-link Korzei COLLETnm7 tum Appe MegaSphere Dsongi ICTtoken jck!! PATTTTTT glitchbear dashark topet DF.freyja HATSU nico Elixir of Silence Fieoner AMBONES DRON yog sothoth Blizzrdball TUTO Nardu Sprzedajniok SleepBAAA Eupnea Vexi Puddi wsupden ok gaboitg Kirika frank_gaming SleepyDragon slowunsteady takumiAE86 ITGRyan Badjas Paul_P xMez caruku F10W Aldarole Jake B Camdenr pepsichan69 Chocol@inMatt IUYK. Mango daddy zexyu Rust ITG werdwerdus Bird pogofcz kittyhawkcontrail cloverwolf Faker13 Killuas Skateboard XeaLouS DanielsanX4A pou buntata MikyDDR Kapdin neyoru verniy_ Pan Dave (Canberra) Nate supremeJD Pokev _69 Wister maybe W1LL_1_AM ipie4fun tomnobar yyao alxbl


    If you're able to defeat a monster rated 15 or above, an unfamiliar man has offered to give you a special, unfamiliar sword that he promises will grow in strength alongside you.


    • Pass any non-tech 15 or higher


    • 2381 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    flip zkldi DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero Some Rescores NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk DdRDan nihongo wakaranai Lotarr CJPetey TheManwich Zankoku Rarily Dispolca atomcat SirDelins IcyCold Sapphron No Rescores Urza titandude21 kelly_kato Borisaur Fietsemaker peaceduke airplane CERiNG Akroma Exschwasion obesity102 turn up UVCat dlim JaceITG Synthromancy MINGW64 Chabala erictran0 Chance R. Valex aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG Beremy Zarzob Sal! Amoo Perusal JOKR Paige Dingoshi JJK EmanSaur Poncho10017:) jeshusha1 NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Doughbun Kyy Rawinput Keekee Pocho Fanatik25 mattm Nebel Zylos Cozy hk HOT TO GO! Kigha LFK kenji- Xynn dancingmaractus lolipo Hubert Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy callmisoko DogsPlan help artimst wrsw Geff midtown mang Donovan Bran StefXFN hollow iGoCollege ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft aye byron dom no bar Tristan97 Griever Yani SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol Caji123 Steve_V Evertree Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Just A Space Cowboy Yeyeito Rudeshadow ontonieneosas Biala CEXX rynker Donza _CONTROL Atti eigo wakaranai Mau xancara No Key Scores !ElCaMiX! som1sezhi undrscore Narwhal Prime arol Sereni nvanleerdrums xiaowuc1 Shoe RPG Squeens SanHelbert Eleftheria arx ddrneel pizzaconpinia gomusou PerfectTaste ZoG- Coppa t3a Renbrandt Wash the turtle beqa Jerros nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc COLLETnm7 LOG tum Appe MegaSphere Dsongi Azirixx ICTtoken jck!! itgaz dashark DF.freyja nico Fieoner AMBONES eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth takatzu48 BSENSS6 FabSab44 plasmaaa Nardu Many Rescores Yam Meogu aryla Hasse Puddi B3NS3X hegza ozurisa1803 pinguu Nato Maxx-Storm Tonester Electromuis CLINTBEASTWOOD takumiAE86 jqtran gulu CrackedCaptain Badjas Paul_P Tatsh_GTO! caruku Smalls XjojoX Lugea Mike458 Camdenr Chocol@inMatt diablos Maru96 Hey Bud bles48 Mango D4RK @@ daddy zexyu NoixXx Rust ITG kcamper92 DerpyPengu Bird Kriss DF.LemmingOnTheRun Staphf Faker13 remonia _Temeraire Uberjudgement Killuas Skateboard jerryjurr ADAMV3 Dinosaur Emoji pou Stefe MikyDDR nabulator MONO_COL Based Honk verniy_ Pan Dave (Canberra) NBCrescendo kmost freedmaaan Giosualdo riler taeman Wister oyako ddrulox Raijin29a6 maybe LAPIS ganbatte arcwil Giannis Antetokounmpo mrtong96 Snoman Jose_Varela Kiet tiredsheep


    Staminadventurers who accomplish the task of defeating monsters of a sufficiently high difficulty are given a trophy as a reward by the Stamina Corps. In addition, they're allowed seating at the Bronze Bistro, an exclusive food venue in Harris Vale that caters only to other Bronze Qualified clientele, but this leads to some awkward situations where newly-minted bronzies often show up to the restaurant with a trophy in hand, not realizing that they don't actually need to bring it to get a table.


    • Pass any non-tech 17 or higher




    Advancing to defeat beasts of even greater notoriety than Bronze Qualified staminadventurers, those who join the ranks of the Mythril Qualified gather at the Mythril Lounge in Burnie's Glen to talk shop and take a breather between hunting sessions.


    • Pass any non-tech 20 or higher




    Based out of Rems's hometown in French Coast Stamina, Cafe Crystal is a place for the most veteran Crystal Qualified staminadventurers to meet up. In order to get an invite, though, it's necessary to prove your skill against some seriously dangerous opponents.


    • Pass any non-tech 23 or higher




    Standing tall above the Palace of Speed in the Footspeed Empire, the Ivory Tower is an exclusive club frequented by Memepeace elites. Only the most powerful staminadventurers-- the Ivory Qualified-- are allowed to set foot inside.


    • Pass any non-tech 26 or higher




    The hoity-toity upper crust of the Footspeed Empire has noticed that too many staminadventurers have made their way into the Ivory Tower. Because of this, a new annex was built-- a tower on top of the tower, if you will-- which boasts even more exclusive membership. Typical elitist behavior.


    • Pass any non-tech 29 or higher


    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Rumors abound in the taverns of Mancouver of creatures resembling shinigami from legends of yore. Memepeace is skeptical of the legitimacy of these claims, but in recognition of the danger to travelers, they're planning to enlist volunteers to help hunt them.


    • Global FE Accolades Above 8000


    flip DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero Some Rescores NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk DdRDan nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr Hewhoamareismyself CJPetey TheManwich Zankoku Rarily Janus5k Dispolca atomcat SirDelins IcyCold Sapphron No Rescores Urza titandude21 kelly_kato Borisaur Fietsemaker peaceduke airplane CERiNG Akroma Exschwasion obesity102 VincentITG turn up UVCat dlim patj JaceITG Synthromancy MINGW64 Chabala erictran0 gatodeplastico Chance R. mkwiiallpro Valex aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG DTF.cmmf Beremy Max Forever Zarzob Litter* Sal! Amoo Telperion Perusal JOKR Paige RootReducer Dingoshi BigYama JJK sangyule EmanSaur Poncho10017:) jeshusha1 NERO COME PALOMITAS PE MediocreOmen Kyy Rawinput Keekee MacPatata Pocho Fanatik25 killuastep mattm valgrind Nebel Zylos DarthkiraMX Cozy hk HOT TO GO! Kigha LFK kenji- Xynn dancingmaractus Highflyer lolipo Hubert dekw djfipu Toraie Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy callmisoko Mc_Joe DogsPlan help artimst wrsw Berserker Geff midtown N64 mang Donovan Bran LunaMail StefXFN hollow iGoCollege ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft PaaT aye byron dom no bar PinkDad Tristan97 Adamskull catnip Griever Yani SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol J13Rstyle Caji123 EX Pad Miss Steve_V Evertree Blondazz Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Zepherino Formless Kommisar Ambisinister Foulu458 lucdar Just A Space Cowboy dimo Yeyeito Nao Hikari Rudeshadow Peli abbeycat Lazorcat ZarinahBBM ontonieneosas Biala emowo Yokamaa hugh_jass CEXX LeBlusz rynker Donza _CONTROL SANDRIXS Atti eigo wakaranai Hunter Mau xancara No Key Scores typobox !ElCaMiX! som1sezhi NicholasNRG MoistBruh M.G Alextrebek undrscore Narwhal Prime arol Sereni nvanleerdrums wolfxalienware NekoMithos Ralph Caffery xiaowuc1 luna2108 DarkShibara Shoe RPG Squeens Silver Fox bex spbsuitmo SanHelbert Ricky ForkySpoon Eleftheria arx Konegaru ddrneel pizzaconpinia Viper gomusou PerfectTaste ZoG- kfiri Axor Coppa Reina0111 t3a Renbrandt lemone SUFRTHRU MaxPainNL yaniel Wash the turtle HannahPadd beqa Jerros pepp2 Ulv NOWHERE Dance Club DeltaMachine nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc Koffee Giammyroquai Summi Lisek Meta-link formi Korzei Madkurre Koral Doumeki HeeroJay COLLETnm7 KlineFGC tum Tina_otoge sirex DDDAAA Robbumon Appe MegaSphere TuberColotti01 oza180 X!! nifterific Dsongi LuckJury Azirixx ICTtoken jck!! PATTTTTT glitchbear itgaz DaniEstrada H G yoonjelly HeavyModeYT dashark topet DF.freyja Bakandrev Dielawn316 Vagabond tev zgbeans Croneus Ayaka TMONEY Alessy Behy HATSU nico Elixir of Silence reset_itg Fieoner AMBONES eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth takatzu48 rogerclark BSENSS6 Blizzrdball teri Darkstar FabSab44 ladymolii TUTO plasmaaa plasmaaa no bar kayzero Nardu Shpadoinkle Many Rescores Yam Meogu Lolitsme Sprzedajniok Wafles SleepBAAA WAY2022 Unpronounceable Eupnea BreakfastPM aryla Hasse Vexi Puddi B3NS3X PenguinLord hegza ozurisa1803 pinguu Nato wsupden ok Icydays shoopa EdgrMx Maxx-Storm gaboitg ManBearPeon twang riceychicken Tonester Kirika frank_gaming Electromuis DarkFyzx Megaman X3 SleepyDragon trueblue410 AGreenRupee slowunsteady Sonjax Senture CLINTBEASTWOOD DJPandaga 19742bytes Lovesick Loop sigonasr2 takumiAE86 ITGRyan LEISHEN. jqtran gulu Freis CrackedCaptain pifpaf Badjas Paul_P nick23 xMez Meili Tatsh_GTO! caruku Smalls JONBUDDY F10W Aldarole Jake B XjojoX Lugea Mike458 Camdenr pinklo pepsichan69 jnoobie312 Alei Mad Dog Chocol@inMatt Maru96 Hey Bud IUYK. bles48 autumn!! Gyzarus Kmlo lafv54 Jagc Mango maxwelllt D4RK pinkloon SRH* El mata perras EnalaprilEgon Elsutroman07 @@ rrwoods Wenn Vain ptcht Accioskullar Pixel daddy zexyu Golfball NoixXx CK89REY Rust ITG jjew caleb2656 xapa werdwerdus kcamper92 Chi_Ponyo DerpyPengu Jejo93 Rafunk LaplaceFox Bird pogofcz kittyhawkcontrail Kriss Fractal valsartan DF.LemmingOnTheRun Nickopolis JuliSM LEO2DX cloverwolf stormpegy eco friendly wood veneers Bumblesteps Staphf Faker13 remonia Aisumi Alternate Enjoyer JugglingElectrons _Temeraire Uberjudgement rawblink Kbjr Killuas Skateboard BratDragoniteSummer jerryjurr XeaLouS Terochi skate kidcrab ADAMV3 fastboy laserfalcon DanielsanX4A AzleKayn Dinosaur Emoji SailorMoonElite L!AM bobayubi VivaLaMoo San19 pou buntata freddy15204 Stefe MikyDDR Pushmataha SSmantis nabulator MONO_COL Based Honk Kapdin anti_fun neyoru verniy_ Doublegambler Milky Diego_demetori sumikk0 Samuelio Pan Daz4 Kapsel Dave (Canberra) Nac STsung KevinDGAF Stern Nate General NBCrescendo Maybell Eigenhart kiko Zap djlunatix kmost supremeJD speny pani HappyLaborDay NDimensional Miu TommyDoesntMiss Mekki jabberjawse Simred GWen omnoia yunoasumi leadkite Loak CelAnima Roscoejustros Pokev K*- maboesanman freedmaaan Kralde ElPapaCosmico Zivie87 Banelings Giosualdo ILLUMINATY_LOKO marcam DillThePill08 Gpop Ugge _69 Rai riler vstar992 itg_Kage JonzaPaws BUTTCHUGGIN taeman Lordcharlie tappy CinnamonPie Wister MY BRAND solrbear oyako finncaev yyr Cxxxx feligs Lumen Judicium Nemesis MlemGoober Galvanized Square Steel ddrulox mbo Decoy Lilo Landa SierraTheBlueJay Qoyote KonnorLetterBee TrollerX rootkitty IrisQuasar Raijin29a6 Kevin Durant janitor maybe LAPIS W1LL_1_AM Talkion Sydia ipie4fun VOXR* Sona newtim Rythmik ganbatte neftali XBOX LIVE Anisakis arcwil Jarem24 nerdnim Guy Incognito PikaGEMER Catz Giannis Antetokounmpo mrtong96 Snoman StarKid! lesbianswordfighting tomnobar GaboMan Doneee Tetaes Jose_Varela QTurtle Nickel7o7 REI_Z3R0 Julichan tommy2turnt BSG MohaHtn deformed yyao AzraeL alxbl SigmaX Kiet Matthew22 Enbymion Bangladeshi tech scammer Kyroke Ani tiredsheep soulslifer


    When questioned about the presence of a certain one-winged monster that's been found recently in the DPRT, the Godfather of Stamina maintained that he had "no involvement" in the monster's appearance, and the timing with recently released media is "entirely coincidental". Either way, though, the TPA is looking for staminadventurers to hunt this classic monster.


    • Global DPRT Accolades Above 8000


    flip DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero Some Rescores NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk DdRDan nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr Hewhoamareismyself CJPetey TheManwich Zankoku Rarily Janus5k Dispolca atomcat SirDelins IcyCold Sapphron No Rescores Urza titandude21 kelly_kato Borisaur Fietsemaker peaceduke airplane CERiNG Akroma Exschwasion obesity102 VincentITG turn up UVCat dlim patj JaceITG Synthromancy MINGW64 Chabala erictran0 gatodeplastico Chance R. mkwiiallpro Valex aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG DTF.cmmf Beremy Max Forever Zarzob Litter* Sal! Amoo Telperion Perusal JOKR Paige RootReducer Dingoshi BigYama JJK sangyule EmanSaur Poncho10017:) jeshusha1 NERO COME PALOMITAS PE MediocreOmen Doughbun Kyy Rawinput Keekee MacPatata Pocho Fanatik25 DlimDhady killuastep mattm valgrind Nebel Zylos DarthkiraMX Cozy hk HOT TO GO! Kigha LFK kenji- Xynn dancingmaractus Highflyer lolipo Hubert dekw djfipu Toraie Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy callmisoko Mc_Joe DogsPlan help artimst BagMan65 wrsw Berserker Geff midtown N64 mang Donovan Bran LunaMail StefXFN hollow iGoCollege ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft PaaT aye byron dom no bar PinkDad Tristan97 Adamskull catnip Griever Yani SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol J13Rstyle Caji123 EX Pad Miss Steve_V Evertree Blondazz Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Zepherino Formless Kommisar Ambisinister Foulu458 lucdar Just A Space Cowboy dimo Yeyeito Nao Hikari Rudeshadow Peli abbeycat Lazorcat ZarinahBBM ontonieneosas Biala emowo Yokamaa hugh_jass CEXX LeBlusz rynker Donza _CONTROL SANDRIXS Atti eigo wakaranai Hunter Mau trescal xancara No Key Scores typobox !ElCaMiX! som1sezhi NicholasNRG MoistBruh M.G Alextrebek undrscore Narwhal Prime arol Sereni nvanleerdrums wolfxalienware NekoMithos Ralph Caffery xiaowuc1 luna2108 DarkShibara Shoe RPG Squeens Silver Fox bex spbsuitmo SanHelbert Ricky ForkySpoon Eleftheria arx Konegaru ddrneel pizzaconpinia Viper gomusou PerfectTaste ZoG- kfiri Axor Coppa Reina0111 t3a Renbrandt lemone SUFRTHRU MaxPainNL yaniel Wash the turtle HannahPadd beqa Jerros pepp2 Ulv NOWHERE Dance Club DeltaMachine nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc Koffee Giammyroquai Summi Lisek Meta-link formi Korzei Madkurre Koral niu arx Doumeki HeeroJay COLLETnm7 KlineFGC tum Tina_otoge sirex DDDAAA Robbumon Appe MegaSphere TuberColotti01 oza180 X!! nifterific Dsongi LuckJury Azirixx ICTtoken jck!! PATTTTTT glitchbear itgaz DaniEstrada H G yoonjelly HeavyModeYT dashark topet DF.freyja Bakandrev Dielawn316 Vagabond tev zgbeans Croneus Ayaka TMONEY Alessy Behy HATSU nico Elixir of Silence reset_itg Fieoner AMBONES eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth takatzu48 rogerclark BSENSS6 Blizzrdball teri Darkstar FabSab44 ladymolii TUTO plasmaaa plasmaaa no bar kayzero Nardu Shpadoinkle Many Rescores Yam Meogu Lolitsme Sprzedajniok Wafles SleepBAAA WAY2022 Unpronounceable Eupnea BreakfastPM aryla Hasse Vexi Puddi B3NS3X PenguinLord hegza ozurisa1803 pinguu Nato wsupden ok barrysir Icydays shoopa EdgrMx Maxx-Storm gaboitg ManBearPeon twang riceychicken Tonester Kirika frank_gaming Electromuis DarkFyzx Megaman X3 SleepyDragon trueblue410 Snow Latte AGreenRupee slowunsteady Sonjax Senture CLINTBEASTWOOD DJPandaga 19742bytes Lovesick Loop sigonasr2 sadcat takumiAE86 ITGRyan Teruna LEISHEN. jqtran gulu Freis CrackedCaptain pifpaf Badjas Paul_P nick23 Limen xMez Meili Tatsh_GTO! caruku Smalls JONBUDDY F10W Aldarole Jake B XjojoX Lugea Mike458 Frantalicious Anderdandy Camdenr pinklo pepsichan69 jnoobie312 Alei Mad Dog Chocol@inMatt diablos Maru96 Hey Bud IUYK. bles48 autumn!! Gyzarus Kmlo lafv54 Jagc Mango maxwelllt D4RK pinkloon SRH* El mata perras EnalaprilEgon Elsutroman07 @@ rrwoods Wenn Vain ptcht Accioskullar Pixel daddy zexyu Golfball NoixXx CK89REY Rust ITG jjew caleb2656 xapa werdwerdus kcamper92 Chi_Ponyo DerpyPengu Jejo93 Rafunk LaplaceFox Bird pogofcz kittyhawkcontrail Kriss Fractal valsartan DF.LemmingOnTheRun Nickopolis JuliSM LEO2DX cloverwolf stormpegy eco friendly wood veneers Bumblesteps Staphf Faker13 remonia Aisumi Alternate Enjoyer JugglingElectrons _Temeraire Uberjudgement rawblink Kbjr Killuas Skateboard BratDragoniteSummer jerryjurr XeaLouS Terochi skate kidcrab ADAMV3 fastboy laserfalcon DanielsanX4A AzleKayn Dinosaur Emoji SailorMoonElite L!AM bobayubi VivaLaMoo San19 pou buntata freddy15204 Stefe MikyDDR Pushmataha SSmantis nabulator MONO_COL Based Honk Kapdin anti_fun neyoru verniy_ Doublegambler Milky Diego_demetori sumikk0 Samuelio Pan Daz4 Kapsel Dave (Canberra) Nac STsung KevinDGAF Stern Nate General NBCrescendo Maybell Eigenhart kiko Zap djlunatix kmost supremeJD speny pani HappyLaborDay NDimensional Miu TommyDoesntMiss Mekki jabberjawse Simred GWen omnoia yunoasumi leadkite Loak CelAnima Roscoejustros Pokev K*- maboesanman freedmaaan Kralde ElPapaCosmico Zivie87 Banelings Giosualdo ILLUMINATY_LOKO marcam DillThePill08 Gpop Ugge _69 Rai riler vstar992 itg_Kage JonzaPaws BUTTCHUGGIN taeman Lordcharlie tappy CinnamonPie Wister MY BRAND solrbear oyako finncaev yyr Cxxxx feligs Lumen Judicium Nemesis MlemGoober Galvanized Square Steel ddrulox mbo Decoy Lilo Landa SierraTheBlueJay Qoyote KonnorLetterBee TrollerX rootkitty IrisQuasar Raijin29a6 Kevin Durant janitor maybe LAPIS W1LL_1_AM Talkion Sydia ipie4fun VOXR* Sona newtim Rythmik ganbatte neftali XBOX LIVE Anisakis arcwil Jarem24 nerdnim Guy Incognito PikaGEMER Catz Giannis Antetokounmpo mrtong96 Snoman StarKid! lesbianswordfighting tomnobar GaboMan Doneee Tetaes Jose_Varela QTurtle Nickel7o7 REI_Z3R0 Julichan tommy2turnt BSG MohaHtn deformed yyao AzraeL alxbl SigmaX Kiet Matthew22 Enbymion Bangladeshi tech scammer Kyroke Ani tiredsheep soulslifer
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    Some William-oriented monster has been terrorizing Midwest Coast Stamina, and as such, the Stamina Corps has jumped into action, planning an all-out assault on the beast once they're able to assemble a team to do it.


    • Global SN Accolades Above 8000


    flip DanPeriod Archi MaruDeHabanero Some Rescores NinjaNabi Roujo PkGam Zeipher_Hawk DdRDan nihongo wakaranai sore Lotarr Hewhoamareismyself CJPetey TheManwich Zankoku Rarily Janus5k Dispolca atomcat SirDelins Sapphron No Rescores Urza titandude21 kelly_kato Borisaur Fietsemaker peaceduke airplane CERiNG Akroma Exschwasion obesity102 VincentITG turn up UVCat dlim patj JaceITG Synthromancy MINGW64 Chabala erictran0 gatodeplastico Chance R. mkwiiallpro Valex aminuteawayx joetherapper HURG DTF.cmmf Beremy Max Forever Zarzob Litter* Sal! Amoo Telperion Perusal JOKR Paige RootReducer Dingoshi BigYama JJK sangyule EmanSaur Poncho10017:) jeshusha1 NERO COME PALOMITAS PE MediocreOmen Kyy Keekee MacPatata Pocho Fanatik25 killuastep mattm valgrind Nebel Zylos DarthkiraMX Cozy hk HOT TO GO! Kigha LFK kenji- Xynn dancingmaractus Highflyer lolipo Hubert dekw djfipu Toraie Franksoua skateinmars Meatyguy callmisoko Mc_Joe DogsPlan help artimst wrsw Berserker Geff midtown mang Donovan Bran LunaMail StefXFN hollow iGoCollege ChubbyThePhat Steve From Minecraft PaaT aye byron dom no bar PinkDad Tristan97 Adamskull catnip Griever Yani SebaZzZz_TCOL Adol J13Rstyle Caji123 Steve_V Evertree Blondazz Idontevenknowyou! drillbot Furious_Dan Zepherino Kommisar Ambisinister Foulu458 lucdar Just A Space Cowboy dimo Yeyeito Nao Hikari Rudeshadow Peli abbeycat Lazorcat ZarinahBBM ontonieneosas Biala emowo Yokamaa hugh_jass CEXX LeBlusz rynker Donza _CONTROL SANDRIXS Atti eigo wakaranai Hunter Mau xancara No Key Scores typobox !ElCaMiX! som1sezhi NicholasNRG MoistBruh Alextrebek undrscore Narwhal Prime arol Sereni nvanleerdrums wolfxalienware NekoMithos Ralph Caffery xiaowuc1 luna2108 Shoe RPG Squeens Silver Fox bex spbsuitmo SanHelbert Ricky ForkySpoon Eleftheria arx Konegaru ddrneel pizzaconpinia Viper gomusou PerfectTaste ZoG- kfiri Axor Coppa Reina0111 t3a Renbrandt lemone SUFRTHRU MaxPainNL yaniel Wash the turtle HannahPadd beqa Jerros pepp2 NOWHERE Dance Club DeltaMachine nebbii MistyGriotte Tuuc Giammyroquai Summi Lisek Meta-link formi Korzei Madkurre Koral Doumeki HeeroJay COLLETnm7 KlineFGC tum Tina_otoge sirex Robbumon Appe MegaSphere TuberColotti01 oza180 nifterific Dsongi LuckJury ICTtoken jck!! PATTTTTT glitchbear itgaz DaniEstrada H G yoonjelly HeavyModeYT dashark topet DF.freyja Bakandrev Dielawn316 tev Croneus Ayaka TMONEY Alessy Behy HATSU nico Elixir of Silence Fieoner AMBONES eltigrechino DRON yog sothoth takatzu48 BSENSS6 Blizzrdball teri Darkstar FabSab44 ladymolii TUTO plasmaaa kayzero Nardu Shpadoinkle Many Rescores Yam Meogu Lolitsme Sprzedajniok Wafles SleepBAAA WAY2022 Unpronounceable Eupnea BreakfastPM aryla Hasse Vexi Puddi B3NS3X PenguinLord hegza ozurisa1803 pinguu Nato wsupden ok Icydays shoopa EdgrMx Maxx-Storm gaboitg ManBearPeon twang riceychicken Tonester Kirika frank_gaming Electromuis DarkFyzx Megaman X3 SleepyDragon trueblue410 AGreenRupee slowunsteady Sonjax Senture CLINTBEASTWOOD DJPandaga 19742bytes Lovesick Loop sigonasr2 takumiAE86 ITGRyan LEISHEN. jqtran gulu Freis CrackedCaptain pifpaf Badjas Paul_P nick23 xMez Meili Tatsh_GTO! caruku Smalls JONBUDDY F10W Aldarole Jake B XjojoX Lugea Mike458 Camdenr pinklo pepsichan69 jnoobie312 Alei Mad Dog Chocol@inMatt Maru96 Hey Bud IUYK. bles48 autumn!! Gyzarus Kmlo lafv54 Jagc Mango D4RK pinkloon SRH* El mata perras EnalaprilEgon Elsutroman07 @@ Wenn Vain ptcht Accioskullar Pixel daddy zexyu NoixXx CK89REY Rust ITG jjew caleb2656 xapa werdwerdus kcamper92 Chi_Ponyo DerpyPengu Jejo93 Rafunk LaplaceFox Bird pogofcz kittyhawkcontrail Kriss valsartan DF.LemmingOnTheRun JuliSM LEO2DX cloverwolf stormpegy eco friendly wood veneers Bumblesteps Faker13 remonia Alternate Enjoyer JugglingElectrons _Temeraire Uberjudgement rawblink Kbjr Killuas Skateboard jerryjurr XeaLouS Terochi skate kidcrab ADAMV3 fastboy laserfalcon DanielsanX4A AzleKayn Dinosaur Emoji SailorMoonElite L!AM bobayubi VivaLaMoo San19 pou buntata freddy15204 Stefe MikyDDR Pushmataha SSmantis nabulator MONO_COL Based Honk Kapdin anti_fun neyoru verniy_ Doublegambler Milky Diego_demetori sumikk0 Samuelio Pan Daz4 Kapsel Dave (Canberra) Nac STsung KevinDGAF Stern Nate General NBCrescendo Maybell Eigenhart kiko Zap djlunatix kmost supremeJD speny pani HappyLaborDay NDimensional Miu TommyDoesntMiss Mekki jabberjawse Simred GWen omnoia yunoasumi leadkite Loak CelAnima Roscoejustros Pokev K*- maboesanman freedmaaan Kralde ElPapaCosmico Zivie87 Banelings Giosualdo ILLUMINATY_LOKO marcam DillThePill08 Gpop Ugge _69 Rai riler vstar992 itg_Kage JonzaPaws BUTTCHUGGIN taeman Lordcharlie tappy CinnamonPie Wister MY BRAND solrbear oyako finncaev yyr Cxxxx feligs Lumen Judicium Nemesis MlemGoober Galvanized Square Steel ddrulox mbo Decoy Lilo Landa SierraTheBlueJay Qoyote KonnorLetterBee TrollerX rootkitty IrisQuasar Raijin29a6 Kevin Durant janitor maybe LAPIS W1LL_1_AM Talkion Sydia ipie4fun VOXR* Sona newtim Rythmik ganbatte neftali XBOX LIVE Anisakis arcwil Jarem24 nerdnim Guy Incognito PikaGEMER Catz Giannis Antetokounmpo mrtong96 Snoman StarKid! lesbianswordfighting tomnobar GaboMan Doneee Tetaes Jose_Varela QTurtle Nickel7o7 REI_Z3R0 Julichan tommy2turnt BSG MohaHtn deformed yyao AzraeL alxbl SigmaX Kiet Matthew22 Enbymion Bangladeshi tech scammer Kyroke Ani tiredsheep soulslifer
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Low rank employees in Memepeace are given a comfy hat to wear in and out of the office.


    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • Earn 75 FE Accolades


    • 5223 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Footspeed Empire Rank Up 1'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 11718 EXP
    • 16661 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Footspeed Empire Rank Up 2'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 19569 EXP
    • 32172 JP
    • 2 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Footspeed Empire Rank Up 3'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 36575 EXP
    • 55487 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Footspeed Empire Rank Up 4'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 54468 EXP
    • 139117 JP
    • 8 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: DPRT Rank Up 1'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 4560 EXP
    • 1209 Gold
    • 9 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: DPRT Rank Up 2'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 8105 EXP
    • 1479 Gold
    • 18 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: DPRT Rank Up 3'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 19688 EXP
    • 2130 Gold
    • 20 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: DPRT Rank Up 4'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 54030 EXP
    • 2880 Gold
    • 30 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    It's longstanding Stamina Corps tradition to commemorate the achievements of fledgling staminadventurers by presenting them with a badge.


    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • Earn 75 SN Accolades


    • 2545 EXP
    • 711 BB
    • 5 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Stamina Nation Rank Up 1'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 5117 EXP
    • 1103 BB
    • 6 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Stamina Nation Rank Up 2'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 12418 EXP
    • 1783 BB
    • 9 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Stamina Nation Rank Up 3'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 39357 EXP
    • 2558 BB
    • 19 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Stamina Nation Rank Up 4'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 54349 EXP
    • 3035 BB
    • 25 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title


    In recognition of exemplary service to the three great nations, the Godfather of Stamina will bequeath an heirloom treasure of the Stamina Nation unto those who have proven themselves worthy.


    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Footspeed Empire Rank Up 5'
    • Complete quest 'Promotion: DPRT Rank Up 5'
    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Stamina Nation Rank Up 5'
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 54590 EXP
    • ?????? Title
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